Stata: Graphing Distributions
24 Nov 2010Tags: Stata and Tutorial
Graphing Distributions
This post will demonstrate how:
- Use the `twoway function’ plotting command to visualize distributions
- Add colored shading to a graph to visualize portions of a distribution
The twoway function
The twoway function
plotting command is used to plot functions, such as y = mx + b
. If we want to plot the density of a normal distribution across a range of x values, we type y=normalden(x)
. You can also include graphing options available to twoway plots (e.g., xtitle
twoway function y=normalden(x), range(-4 4) xtitle("{it: x}") ///
ytitle("Density") title("Standard Normal Distribution")

Add Shading to a Figure
Suppose we want to shade parts of a distribution above (or below) a particular critical value. For example, we can shade a normal distribution above 1.96 and below -1.96 if we want critical values for a two-tailed test with an alpha-level of .05. To do this we will draw 3 graphs.
- A normal curve from -4 to -1.96
- A normal curve from -1.96 to 1.96
- A normal curve from 1.96 to 4
The choice of -4 and 4 as upper and lower bounds is arbitrary. You can connect the three graphs by using a double pipe, ||
, between calls to the twoway function
command. We will shade the area under the curve for #1 and #3 using the recast(area)
option of twoway function
. We will assign the color of the shading to dark navy blue using the color(dknavy)
option. We will leave the area under the curve for #2 unshaded.
twoway function y=normalden(x), range(-1.96 1.96) color(dknavy) || ///
function y=normalden(x), range(-4 -1.96) recast(area) color(dknavy) || ///
function y=normalden(x), range(1.96 4) recast(area) color(dknavy) ///
xtitle("{it: x}") ///
ytitle("Density") title("Critial Values for Standard Normal") ///
subtitle("Two-tailed test and {&alpha}=.05") ///
legend(off) xlabel(-1.96 0 1.96)

We can repeat for a one-tailed test.
twoway function y=normalden(x), range(-4 1.64) color(dknavy) || ///
function y=normalden(x), range(1.64 4) recast(area) color(dknavy) ///
xtitle("{it: x}") ///
ytitle("Density") title("Critial Values for Standard Normal") ///
subtitle("One-tailed test and {&alpha}=.05") ///
legend(off) xlabel(0 1.64)

We can also visualize other distributions available in Stata. Below, I provide an example of a t-distribution with 20 degrees of freedom
twoway function y=tden(20,x), range(-2.09 2.09) color(dknavy) || ///
function y=tden(20,x), range(-4 -2.09) recast(area) color(dknavy) || ///
function y=tden(20,x), range(2.09 4) recast(area) color(dknavy) ///
xtitle("{it: x}") ///
ytitle("Density") title("Critial Values for {it: t}-distribution with 20 df") ///
subtitle("Two-tailed test and {&alpha}=.05") ///
legend(off) xlabel(-2.09 0 2.09)

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