
2018-06-30  本文已影响0人  英国布里斯托旅游局

下周布里斯托今夏参与度最高的全城性活动之一——《超级无敌掌门狗》雕塑慈善全城展(Gromit Unleashed 2)即将拉开帷幕,全城找“狗”热潮即将开启!你准备好了吗?还不了解这一活动的朋友们可以阅读之前两篇相关微博:

【超级无敌掌门狗动画布里斯托全城主题展“Gromit Unleashed 2” 7月来袭!】


日前旅游局的工作人员已经前往阿德曼动画公司参与了活动开幕仪式,有幸提前看到了所有雕塑的模样。本次展出将包含《超级无敌掌门狗》动画中的三个主要人物,依然以智能狗“阿高”(Gromit)为主,但另一主人公华莱士(Wallace)及其死对头“企鹅羽毛先生麦格罗”(Feathers McGraw)也会加入。并且有多个特别主题,比如乐高、星际迷航和“小黄人”等。雕塑总数多达65个!

布里斯托超级无敌掌门狗慈善全城雕塑展2雕像一览(腾讯视频) 部分今年即将展出的雕塑


布里斯托吊桥附近的“企鹅羽毛先生麦格罗” 布里斯托吊桥博物馆内有许多“超级无敌掌门狗”主题纪念品 布里斯托大学威尔斯纪念楼外的雕塑 大不列颠号蒸汽船外“布鲁内尔风格”的雕塑 布里斯托旅游局工作人员参加阿德曼动画公司的开幕活动


1. 准备好你的智能手机


不仅仅为了和这些千奇百怪的雕塑合影留念,届时也可以下载特别的Gromit Unleashed 2手机应用,帮助你标记、追踪你找到的雕塑,如同集邮一般有趣(手机应用所获得利润也将捐给资助布里斯托儿童医院的慈善基金)。说不定今夏的这个活动会如之前的Pokemon Go一样在布里斯托掀起一股热潮!

2. 前往之前做好合理的计划



3. 积极参与各个景点的《超级无敌掌门狗》活动


今年夏天全城都将沉浸在《超级无敌掌门狗》的狂热中,许多景点也会推出以此为主题的活动,比如布里斯托航空航天博物馆就会推出一个名为“Gromjet Trail”的活动, 免费参观由劳斯莱斯、雷尼绍(Renishaw)以及布里斯托大学使用先进科技制作的互动型机械“超级无敌掌门狗”雕塑,以及由劳斯莱斯一手打造的“阿高”狗主题飞机发动机"Gromjet",在了解布里斯托航空航天历史的同时,感受当今布里斯托这座城市中充满多样性的创新型科技企业的风采。此外,你还可以在布里斯托科技馆(We The Curious)里和来自阿德曼动画公司的专家一起设计最具你个人特色的“超级无敌掌门狗”模型!

4. 充分利用布里斯托的交通工具,解放双腿!




布里斯托作为英国第一个“自行车之都”,拥有丰富的自行车道网络。自己没有自行车也不必担心,布里斯托有许多提供自行车租赁的地方,比如Bristol Tandem Hire和Pedal Progression两家公司。当然最方便的当然是用布城版“小黄车”Yo Bike了!


除了自行车之外,你还可以选择乘坐布里斯托的观光巴士Bristol Insight以及港口的观光渡船,在游览知名景点并倾听讲解的同时,执行自己的找“狗”任务!观光大巴和观光船合作推出了联合票,一票在手,两者都可以随便乘坐,是不是方便很多?



1. Wallace


设计师:Nick Park

赞助商:Bristol City Centre BID

摆放地:The Cenotaph, Colston Ave, Bristol, BS1 4UA

2. Wallace in Wonderland

Wallace in Wonderland

设计师:Beth Waters

赞助商:BID Clifton Village

摆放地:The Mall Gardens, Clifton Village, 66 The Mall, Bristol, BS8 4JG

3. The Wallace Collection

The Wallace Collection

设计师:Rachel Bennett

赞助商:Hargreaves Lansdown

摆放地:One College Square South, Anchor Rd, Bristol, BS1 5HL

4. A Grand Tribute

A Grand Tribute

设计师:Nick Park

赞助商:We The Curious

摆放地:Millennium Square, Canons Way, Bristol, BS1 5LL

5. Spock



赞助商:The Mall at Cribbs Causeway

摆放地:The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, BS34 5DG

6. The Wensleydale Kid

The Wensleydale Kid

设计师:Paula Bowles

赞助商:Clifton Observatory

摆放地:Clifton Observatory, Litfield Rd, Bristol, BS8 3LT

7. Gnome Sweet Gnome

Gnome Sweet Gnome

设计师:Katie Wallis


摆放地:College Green, Bristol, BS1 5UY

8. Wallambard


设计师:Tim Miness

赞助商:Womble Bond Dickinson

摆放地:SS Great Britain, Great Western Dockyard, GasFerry Rd, Bristol, BS1 6TY

9. Space Oddi-tea

Space Oddi-tea

设计师:Carys Ink

赞助商:Wapping Wharf

摆放地:Wapping Wharf, Wapping Road, Bristol, BS1 4RW

10. Rocket Man

Rocket Man

设计师:Elaine Carr

赞助商:CAMB Machine Knives International Ltd

摆放地:Bristol Children's Hospital, Upper Maudlin St,Bristol, BS2 8BJ

11. Long John Wallace

Long John Wallace

设计师:Elaine Carr


摆放地:Cascade Steps, Anchor Rd, Bristol, BS1 4XJ

12. George


设计师:Helen Javes


摆放地:The Downs, Stoke Rd, Bristol, BS9 1FG

二、企鹅羽毛先生麦格罗(Feathers McGraw)雕塑

13. Prima Featherina

Prima Featherina

设计师:Ruth Broadway

赞助商:Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel

摆放地:Bristol Marriott Royal Hotel, College Green,Bristol, BS1 5TA

14. The Emperor

The Emperor

设计师:Natalie Guy

赞助商:John James Bristol Foundation

摆放地:The Podium, 69 Broadmead, Bristol, BS1 3DX

15. One in a Minion

One in a Minion


赞助商:Bristol Marriott City Centre

摆放地:Bristol Marriott City Centre Hotel, 2 Lower Castle Street, Old Market, Bristol, BS1 3AD

16. Oh, Bollards!

Oh, Bollards!

设计师:Merlin Crossingham


摆放地:Aardman Animations, Gas Ferry Rd, Bristol, BS16UN

17. Light as a Feather

Light as a Feather

设计师:Josh & Aimee Williams

赞助商:Osborne Clarke

摆放地:Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bridge Rd, Bristol,BS8 3PA

18. In-cog-nito




摆放地:The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, BS34 5DG

19. Fromage McGraw

Fromage McGraw

设计师:Peter Lord

赞助商:Bluefin Professions

摆放地:Quakers Friars, Bristol, BS1 3BU

20. Feathers McGraw 1

Feathers McGraw 1

设计师:Nick Park


摆放地:Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, Bristol, BS8 1RJ

21. Feathers McGraw 2

Feathers McGraw 2

设计师:Amy Timms

赞助商:Ashfords LLP

摆放地:The Victoria Rooms, 88 Queen's Road, Bristol, BS8 1SA

22. Feathers McGraw 3

Feathers McGraw 3

设计师:Ruth Broadway


摆放地:Stanfords, Corn Street, 29 Corn St, Bristol, BS1 1HT

23. Game of Cones

Game of Cones

设计师:Rachel Bennett

赞助商:Burges Salmon

摆放地:BristolTemple Meads Station, Bristol, BS1 6QF

24. Banana-arm-a


设计师:Katie Wallis

赞助商:Jeremy Gumbley

摆放地:North Street, Bristol, BS3 1JN

25. Plooming Marvellous

Plooming Marvellous

设计师:Amy Timms

赞助商:Bristol Post

摆放地:Hartcliffe Community Farm, Lampton Ave,Bristol, BS13 0QH

26. Feathertron 3000

Feathertron 3000

设计师:JamFactory x Jimmy 2 Eggs

赞助商:Bristol Energy

摆放地:Bristol Energy Hub, Harbourside, Waterfront,Bristol, BS1 4XJ


27. Wild at Heart

Wild at Heart

设计师:Liza Donoghue

赞助商:Etex Building Performance Ltd

摆放地:Ashton Court, Long Ashton Bristol, BS41 9JN

28. ThermoGromit


设计师:Kacpar Sokol & Timmy Wilmott

赞助商:University of Bristol

摆放地:Royal Fort Gardens, Bristol, BS8 1UH

29. The Howl

The Howl

设计师:Tim Sutcliffe

赞助商:Redrock Consulting Ltd

摆放地:Royal West of England Academy, Queen's Road, Clifton,Bristol, BS8 1PX

30. Tropi-canis


设计师:Maria Burns

赞助商:House of Fraser

摆放地:House of Fraser, Cabot Circus, Broadmead, Bristol, BS1 3BD

31. Toto


设计师:Jenny Urquhart

赞助商:AJ Homes

摆放地:Flaxpits Lane, Winterbourne, Bristol, BS36 1JY

32. Swallows & Amazons

Swallows & Amazons

设计师:Studio Canal

赞助商:Willow Brook Centre

摆放地:Willow Brook Centre, Savages Wood Rd,Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8EF

33. Sprinkles


设计师:Tom Hovey

赞助商:Arthur David, Food With Service Ltd

摆放地:Boston Tea Party, 293 Gloucester Rd, Bristol, BS7 8PE

34. Stellar


设计师:Laura Hallett

赞助商:Cass Art

摆放地:Park Street, Bristol, BS1 5PJ

35. The Hound of Music

The Hound of Music

设计师:Sarah Matthews

赞助商:Gardiner Haskins

摆放地:Gardiner Haskins, Straight St, Broad Plain, Bristol, BS2 0JP

36. The Brystal Maze

The Brystal Maze

设计师:The Crystal Maze

赞助商:The BottleYard Studios

摆放地:Hengrove Promenade, BS14 0JZ

37. Splash



赞助商:Destination Bristol

摆放地:St Mark's Road, Easton, Bristol, BS5 0LR

38. Rockin' Robin

Rockin' Robin

设计师:Hannah Bone

赞助商:Ashton Gate Stadium

摆放地:Ashton Gate Stadium, Ashton Rd, Bristol, BS32EJ

39. Peek a Boo!

Peek a Boo!

设计师:Belle & Boo

赞助商:Yankee Candle®

摆放地:Blaise Castle, Bristol, BS10 7QT

40. Merry go Gromit

Merry go Gromit

设计师:Emily Golden

赞助商:Puxton Park

摆放地:Puxton Park, Cowslip Ln, Hewish, BS24 6AH

41. Prickles McPrickles

Prickles McPrickles

设计师:Simon Tozer

赞助商:YTL Developments

摆放地:Greenway Centre, Southmead, Doncaster Rd, Bristol, BS10 5PY

42. Honeysuckle Rose

Honeysuckle Rose

设计师:Sarah-Jane Grace

赞助商:Thornbury Chamber of Commerce

摆放地:St Mary Centre, Management Office, 8 Quaker Ln, Thornbury, Bristol, BS35 2AD

43. Honeydew


设计师:The Yogscast

赞助商:The Yogscast

摆放地:Narrow Quay, Prince St, Bristol, BS1 4AH

44. Marshall


设计师:PAW Patrol

赞助商:Bristol Water

摆放地:Chew Valley Lake, Walley Court Road, Chew Stoke, BS40 8XN

45. Gromit P. Sullivan (Sulley)

Gromit P. Sullivan (Sulley)

设计师:Pixar Animation Studios


摆放地:Gromit Unleashed 2 Shop, The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, Bristol, BS34 5DG

46. Deerest Gromit

Deerest Gromit

设计师:Hend Esmat & Lamiaa Diab

赞助商:UWE Bristol

摆放地:UWE Bristol, Bower Ashton Campus, Kennel Lodge Rd, Bristol, BS3 2JT

47. Cupid


设计师:Blossom & Brush

赞助商:Dunkley's Chartered Accountants

摆放地:Dunkley’s, Woodlands Grange, Woodlands Ln, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 4JY

48. Cubby



赞助商:Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Park

摆放地:Avon Valley Adventure & Wildlife Park, Pixash Ln, Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1TP

49. Gromit


设计师:Nick Park

赞助商:Canada Life Group Insurance

摆放地:Temple Quay, 1 Friary, Bristol, BS1 6EA

50. Giggles


设计师:Emily Golden

赞助商:Grand Pier

摆放地:Grand Pier, Marine Parade, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1AL

51. Ferne


设计师:Natalie Guy

赞助商:First Bus

摆放地:The Horsefair, Bristol City Centre, BS1 3BB

52. Draco


设计师:The Knitted Pea

赞助商:Evans & Partners

摆放地:Kings Chase Shopping Centre, Kingswood, Bristol, BS15 8LP

53. Dias de los Perros

Dias de los Perros

设计师:Gavin Strange


摆放地:Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bath Rd, Bristol, BS4 3EW

54. Gracking Build Gromit!

Gracking Build Gromit!


赞助商:Cabot Circus

摆放地:Cabot Circus, Glass House, Penn St, Bristol, BS1 3BX

55. Champion


设计师:Mike Ogden

赞助商:Downend & Bromley Heath Parish Council

摆放地:Badminton Road, Downend Bristol, BS16 6NP

56. Caractacus Paws

Caractacus Paws

设计师:Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

赞助商:The Galleries Shopping Centre

摆放地:The Galleries Shopping Centre, Bristol, BS1 3XA

57. Boss


设计师:Wes Anderson

赞助商:Showcase Cinema de Lux Bristol

摆放地:Cinema de Lux, Cabot Circus, Glass House Ln, Bristol, BS1 3BX

58. Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace

设计师:Tim Sutcliffe

赞助商:Chipping Sodbury Chamber of Commerce

摆放地:High Street, Chipping Sodbury, Bristol, BS37 6AH

59. Alex the Lion

Alex the Lion



摆放地:Museum Square, M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol, BS1 4RN

60. Bristol's Own

Bristol's Own

设计师:Susan Webber

赞助商:Barcan + Kirby LLP

摆放地:Queen Square, Bristol, BS1 4LH

61. Bristol in Bloom

Bristol in Bloom

设计师:Ella Masters

赞助商:Immediate Media Co

摆放地:St Mary Redcliffe, The Parish Office, 12 Colston Parade, Redcliffe, Bristol, BS1 6RA

62. The Bristol Hound

The Bristol Hound

设计师:Zoe Power

赞助商:Grant Thornton UK LLP

摆放地:Sion Hill, Bristol, BS8 4BA

63. Gromjet


设计师:Rolls Royce

赞助商:Rolls Royce

摆放地:Aerospace Bristol, Hayes Way, Patchway, Bristol, BS34 5BZ

64. Gromitronic




摆放地:M Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol, BS1 4RN

65. The Grand Gromplication

The Grand Gromplication

设计师:University of Bristol Christine Braganze, Ella Allan & Octavia Clark

赞助商:University of Bristol

摆放地:Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Queens Rd,Bristol, BS8 1RL


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