CIPT模拟题 #1
题 #1:
What is the difference between privacy and security?
A. Privacy is concerned with the protection of personal information, while security is concerned with protecting systems and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
B. Privacy is concerned with the protection of systems and data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction, while security is concerned with protecting personal information.
C. Privacy and security are two terms that mean the same thing.
D. Privacy and security are not related to each other.
题 #2:
Which of the following is a key aspect of a privacy program framework?
A. Risk management
B. Data collection
C. Data retention
D. Data analysis
题 #3:
Which of the following is a key consideration when developing a privacy program framework?
A. Data retention policies
B. Employee performance metrics
C. Data sharing agreements with third-party vendors
D. Legal and regulatory requirements
题 #4
What is the principle of accountability?
A. The principle that personal data should be accurate and up-to-date.
B. The principle that personal data should be collected for specified, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
C. The principle that personal data should be protected against unauthorized access and misuse.
D. The principle that organizations are responsible for complying with data protection laws and regulations.
题 #5
What is the difference between data protection by design and data protection by default under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)?
A. Data protection by design refers to the principle that personal data should be protected against unauthorized access and misuse, while data protection by default refers to the principle that personal data should be processed in a transparent manner.
B. Data protection by design refers to the principle that organizations should implement technical and organizational measures to ensure that data protection principles are integrated into the design of their systems and processes, while data protection by default refers to the principle that organizations should ensure that personal data is only processed when necessary for the specific purpose for which it was collected.
C. Data protection by design refers to the principle that organizations should ensure that personal data is accurate and up-to-date, while data protection by default refers to the principle that organizations should ensure that personal data is securely stored.
D. Data protection by design refers to the principle that organizations should ensure that personal data is processed in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner, while data protection by default refers to the principle that organizations should ensure that personal data is only processed for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes.
题 #6
Which of the following is NOT a key privacy consideration when it comes to cloud computing?
A. Data location
B. Data security
C. Data ownership
D. Data portability
题 #7
What is the primary privacy concern associated with the use of mobile devices?
A. Unauthorized access to data
B. Data retention policies
C. Data ownership
D. Data portability
题 #8
What is the purpose of a privacy audit?
A. To identify privacy risks and vulnerabilities
B. To ensure compliance with privacy laws and regulations
C. To determine the ownership of data
D. To assess the quality of data collected
SCENARIO: A global consulting firm is developing a new cloud-based project management tool that will be used by clients in various industries. The tool will allow clients to store and manage sensitive data related to their projects, including financial data, client information, and intellectual property. The consulting firm has identified several key data protection and privacy risks associated with the tool, including unauthorized access, data breaches, and non-compliance with data protection regulations.
题 #9: What would be the most appropriate data protection measure to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to the cloud-based project management tool?
A. Implement multi-factor authentication for all users accessing the tool.
B. Conduct regular vulnerability assessments of the tool to identify and address security weaknesses.
C. Develop and implement a data retention policy to ensure that sensitive data is deleted when it is no longer needed.
D. Provide regular training to employees on data protection and privacy best practices.
题 #10: What would be the most appropriate data protection measure to mitigate the risk of data breaches associated with the cloud-based project management tool?
A. Implement data encryption for all sensitive data stored in the tool.
B. Conduct regular penetration testing of the tool to identify and address security weaknesses.
C. Develop and implement a data classification policy to ensure that sensitive data is appropriately protected.
D. Provide regular training to employees on data protection and privacy best practices.
题 #1: 选A。隐私关注对个人信息的保护,而安全是指保护系统和数据免受未经授权的访问、使用、披露、破坏、修改或破坏。
题 #2: 选A。隐私管理框架的关键内容包括风险管理、合规性、监管要求、数据处理和保护、安全、数据主权和数据治理。
题 #3: 选D。开发隐私管理框架时需要考虑的关键因素包括法律和监管要求,风险管理,合规性,监管要求,数据处理和保护,安全,数据主权和数据治理。
题 #4: 选D。问责原则规定,组织有责任遵守隐私相关的法律法规。这意味着组织应采取适当措施,确保个人数据受到保护,防止未经授权的访问和滥用,并确保个人隐私权得到尊重。
题 #5:选B。 DP by Design是指组织应实施技术和组织措施,以确保将数据保护原则整合其系统和流程的设计中,而DP by Default是指组织应确保仅在收集个人数据的特定目的所需时才处理个人数据的原则(最小化与目的限制)
题 #6: 选C。数据所有权不是云计算中关键的隐私考虑因素。其他选项,如数据存储位置、数据安全和数据可移植性,都是云计算中重要的隐私考虑因素
题 #7: 选A。使用移动设备的主要隐私关注是未经授权访问数据。移动设备经常会丢失或被盗,如果没有得到妥善保护,上面的数据可能会被未经授权的人访问。
题 #8: 选A。隐私审计的目的是评估组织的隐私实践,并识别潜在的隐私风险和漏洞。它有助于确保组织遵守适用的隐私法律法规,并确定在保护个人隐私方面可以改进的领域。它还可能涉及审查数据的所有权和质量,但这些都不是隐私审计的主要目的。
题 #9: 选A。要求访问该系统的所有用户都使用多因素身份验证是降低未经授权访问风险的最合适的数据保护措施。这将要求用户在访问前提供两种或多种形式的身份验证,例如密码和安全令牌。这将使未经授权的用户难以访问该工具,即使他们已经窃取了合法用户的用户名密码。
题 #10: 选A。为存储在该系统中的所有敏感数据实现数据加密将是降低数据泄露风险的最合适的数据保护措施。这将确保即使未经授权的用户获得对数据的访问权限,他们也无法在没有加密密钥的情况下读取或使用数据。这将有助于在数据泄露的情况下保护敏感数据不被泄露。