For certainly old age has a great sense of calm and freedom; when the passions relax their hold, then, as Sophocles says, we are freed from the grasp not of one mad master only, but of many. (Republic 1.329c)
in particular, he[men over thirty] should summon Dionysus to what is at once the play-time and the prayer-time of the old, which the god gave to mankind to help cure the crabbiness of age. This[drinking party] is the gift he gave us to make us young again: we forget our peevishness, and our hard cast of mind becomes softer and grows more malleable, just like iron thrust in a fire. Surely any man who is brought into that frame of mind would be ready to sing his songs (that is 'charms', as we've called them often enough) with more enthusiasm and less embarrassment (Laws 2.666cd)
注意到,酗酒有好处,是有附带条件的。 《法律篇》中说,第一,必须有高人在现场引导。
ATHENIAN: And he should also, presumably, be a man who knows how to handle a social gathering, because his duty is not only to preserve the existing friendliness among its members, but to see that it is strengthened (Laws 1.640d)
children under the age of eighteen are to keep off wine entirely. We shall teach them that they must treat the violent tendencies of youth with due caution, and not pour fire on the fire already in their souls and bodies until they come to undertake the real work of life. Our second law will permit the young man under thirty to take wine in moderation, but he must stop short of drunkenness and bibulous excesses. When he reaches his thirties, he should regale himself at the common meals, and invoke the gods; (Laws 2.666bc)
对柏拉图来说,青年人已经满身是劲,再让青年人喝酒无异是"pour fire on the fire",火上加油,不仅无助于品德,可能还会刺激他们的情感更不受里性的制约。但反过来说,中老年人需要regale自己。
- entertain or amuse (someone) with talk.
- lavishly supply (someone) with food or drink.
Virtue is this general concord of reason and emotion. (Laws 2.653b)
Education, then, is a matter of correctly disciplined feelings of pleasure and pain. But in the course of a man’s life the effect wears off, and in many respects it is lost altogether.(Laws 2.653c)
the gift[wine] was intended to be a medicine and to produce reverence in the soul, and health and strength in the body (2.672d)
当饮酒者在酒精的作用下,变得" cheerful and confident and unduly shameless",也就欢乐乃至失控时,前面说过的引导人就要出面,"make this fellow willing to mend his ways",使他们改正自己的状况,再度学习'modesty'和'shame',谦逊和羞耻心的功课。
ATHENIAN: And didn’t we say that when this happens the souls of the drinkers get hot and, like iron in a fire, grow younger and softer, so that anyone who has the ability and skill to mold and educate them, finds them as easy to handle as when they were young? The man to do the molding is the same one as before—the good lawgiver. When our drinker grows cheerful and confident and unduly shameless and unwilling to speak and keep quiet, to drink and sing, at the proper times, the lawgiver’s job will be to lay down drinking laws which will be able to make this fellow willing to mend his ways; and to do battle with this disgraceful over-confidence as soon as it appears, they will be able to send into the arena, with the blessing of justice, this divine and splendid fear we have called ‘modesty’ and ‘shame’. (Laws 2.671b-d)
子曰:「君子有三戒: 少之时,血气未定, 戒之在色;及其壮也, 血气方刚,戒之在斗; 及其老也,血气既衰, 戒之在得。」
wine was given to men as a means of taking vengeance on us—it was intended to
drive us insane (Laws 2.672d)
no animal that enjoys the use of reason in its maturity is ever born with that faculty, or at any rate with it fully developed. (Laws 2.672c)
- Elizabeth Belfiore, Wine and Catharsis of the Emotions in Plato's Laws, The Classical Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 2 (1986), pp. 421-437