【EOS成神之路】大话DAPP:2019 EOS 世博会| IT
本篇文章是ITAM计划参与4月13日、14日在美国旧金山举办的2019 EOS 世博会前的一个活动预告,旨在向广大ITAM用户宣传ITAM的发展计划,以获取更多的曝光和支持,本篇文章于4月10日发表于ITAM的Medium官方主页。
2019年EOS世界博览会将于4月13日至14日在美国旧金山举行。预计将有来自世界各地的50多家公司参加,EOS博会将会成为最活跃的EOS社区建设者的聚集地。当然,ITAM Games也将成为这次盛大的EOS活动的一部分。在世博会之前,我们将在这篇文章中介绍ITAM GAME的一些参与背景。
1. ITAM GAME计划在EOS世博会上做些什么?
2.ITAM GAME将派谁参加?
3. ITAM GAME 希望通过此次活动达成什么目标?
我们的主要目标是增加我们的平台用户。我们希望通过本次博览会,让更多人了解ITAM GAME,并了解我们提供的服务。最终,通过面对面地与EOS社区成员会面,我们希望与用户建立更强大的联系,并努力为改善社区的做出杰出贡献。我们希望在世博会结束时,能有更多用户尝试使用,并帮助测试我们的ITAM STORE。
4.如何找到ITAM GAME?我们的展位号和位置在哪里?
我们已经申请在EOS世博会上设立展位,但尚未收到具体的位置或展位号。一旦我们获知具体信息,我们将通过我们的ITAM GAME电报频道通知所有人!
有很多令人兴奋的游戏将在本月发布,并上线ITAM STORE!
The EOS World Expo 2019 is an event being held in San Francisco, USA from the 13th until the 14th of April. With 50+ companies expected to attend from all around the world, the EOS World Expo will be where some of the biggest contributors of the EOS community will be. And of course, ITAM Games has to be a part of this grand EOS event as well. Ahead of the Expo, we will be going over some background of our attendance in this post.
1. What is ITAM Games planning on doing at the EOS World Expo?
We are planning to introduce our blockchain game store to the Western community. Because we are based in Seoul, Korea, we haven’t had much opportunity to introduce ourselves and what we are doing to our Western counterparts. Thus, we believe the EOS World Expo will be a great opportunity for us to connect with the EOS community that resides on the opposite side of the world.
2. Who will be attending, and on which day(s)?
Our Chief Communication Officer, Damian, will be attending the event. He will be staying in San Francisco from the 12th until the 15th. If you are planning to be at the event, be sure to spot Damian out and say hi!
3. What would ITAM Games like to accomplish through this event?
Our main objective is to increase our platform users. We hope that through this Expo, more people will become aware of ITAM Games and learn about the services we provide. Ultimately, by meeting the members of the EOS community face-to-face, we want to create a greater bond with the people, and position ourselves as a prominent figure that’s working to better the community. And hopefully by the end of it, we’ll have a lot of users trying and testing out our ITAM Store (beta).
4. Where can people find ITAM Games at the Expo? Booth number/location?
We will be having a booth at the EOS World Expo, but have not received the specific location/booth number yet. We will update everyone via our ITAM Games Telegram channel once we find out!
5. Any last words for the readers to know about ITAM Games?
There are tons of more exciting games that are set to be released on ITAM Store, releasing as soon as this month! Be on the lookout, be hyped, and be ready to Play-to-Earn!
ITAM Telegram:https://t.me/itamgames
ITAM 媒体:https://medium.com/itam
ITAM Twitter:https:twitter.com/itamgames