Part 1- 3句:
1. That's how a police state works - everyone thinks everyone else is police.
2. I have no idea how much danger I was putting everyone in.
累积句式(口语表达):I have no idea+宾语从句
例句:I have no idea how much I care about her.
3. I wasn't a lonely kid - I was good at being alone.
Part 2- 3词:
1, true to
原文:so, true to her nature, she found an option that was not among the ones presented to her: she took a secretarial course, a typing class.
And my mother, true to her word, was prepared for him not to be involved.
例句:Ture to my word, I read English every morning.
2, piece on the side
原文:A lot of these men were foreigners, Germans and Portuguese who didn't care about the law/ and were happy to sign a lease/ giving a prostitute(hooker) a place to live and work/ in exchange for a steady piece on the side.
英文释义:not your girlfriend or boyfrined,but rather your piece on the side. You'll just hook it up once in a while in a non-committed type way.
例句:I just broke up with my girlfriend, but at least I still got my piece on the side. I'll sext her a booty call later.
3, exile
原文:The white parent smuggled them out through Lesotho or Botswana, and they grew up in exile.
n: the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons
a tax/political exile 移居低税国家的富人
to live in exile
to be sent into exile
government-in -exile 流亡政府
常做 be exiled
例句:Li Bai was exiled to the barren land.
Part 3- 感想
不得不讲,读完这一章,对作者的妈妈敬佩之情溢于言表。也通过作者的母亲对stubbron(stub+born) 这个单词有了更深的体会。有自己的想法,敢于去实践。遵从自己的内心,这样一位令人可敬的女性。在他妈妈坚定的想要一个孩子时,言语中的力量和内心的坚定,让人敬佩炸。也让自己想起了《一个陌生女人的来信》中那位女性。女性总是会迸发出让人觉得不可思议的力量。True to nature; ture to word.大概是作者妈妈最真实的写照。
-"Why? Why didn't we just leave? Why didn't we go to Switzerland?"
-"Because I am not Swiss,” she said, as stubborn as ever. “This is my country. Why should I leave?"