I think most of our Chinese learned the parable"塞翁失马,焉知祸福". The First time I read the parable, I didn't know the truth It conveyed to me. As for me, It was just a joking story.

But As time went by, I went through many affairs, Good or bad.They have made a significant difference in my life, making me happy or painful. Slowly, I begin to know that things are not so good as you imagine and they are not so bad as well.
Reality is much more fluid. We don't know what will happen in the future. So gripping tightly of the Good or bad consequence makes no sense. Nobody knows what will happen next step.

It is wise to know that looking the bright side of things or waiting to see how things turn out in the end makes your way to the future.
So, next time, When you lose sth, don't be sad. When you gain sth, don't be proud. Just remember, Good or bad, hard to say.