Enjoy English


2018-12-29  本文已影响27人  鼠姑娘

I don’t know how people deal with a person like this. Nothing is right for her if something is out of control; Summer is too hot, winter is too cold; raining is bad, snowing is bad; nothing to do she is bored, something to do she is upset; always rush to do things and to go places seems she is running out of time, but actually most of time she has very little things to do at home; mess is not acceptable, noisy and being loud are unacceptable, but she herself is loud all the time, talking, walking and close the door or do anything else; she says she loves the kids but she won’t have patience to listen or talk with my boy; she always buy snacks, toys and clothes for the kids, but she doesn’t really care what my boy is really happy with; she once joked with me that she’s ready to hang herself when my boy started to stay at home in the holiday; her husband supports her about everything and works his butt off to pay the house and family cost, but her attitude is always very irritating that makes him mad and upset so many times; she spends more time on her phone gaming than spending time with anyone in the family; she can gets upset or unhappy with any small things; she yells at the cats more than petting them; even call them bitch when the cats make her mad; she addictes to caffeine, tobacco and sugar but she herself will never do something to get rid of them; she always says she has more experience on raising children,so she can not accept different opinions; she knows what is the best of food,clothes and furnitures, but she never understands what is the most important thing in the family; she says you are very precious for her, but she could barely really understand what you want and what you don’t want; don’t say no to her, it won’t work; if she is happy she cares, if she is not happy she doesnot care that much; she does a lot of things for you and she will make sure you know it. And so on. I am still depressed, here. Unfortunately I still stay here for a while no matter how hard I tried.

Well I am talking about her because I love her, and to be very honest, she helps me s lot in my life, and still she is helping me about many things. There are others things make me depressed, but I don’t really care that much, as those people who bother me I don’t care. Not like her.

My 2019 wish is, sitting in my house, rented by my own, having hotpot with my two kids, and maybe lovely honeybee, someday. I am working really really hard on my dream. God, please give me strength to get through all these ugly days, I seek the strength from you as I myself is too weak.


