2020-05-29 本文已影响0人
1. let's take five. 休息五分钟。
2. give me five. 击掌庆祝。
3. the store is open 24/7. 这家店一周七天,一天24小时开门。
4. I always give 100%. 我做什么事都全力以赴。
5. We only have a 50/50 chance to win. 我们只有一半的可能能赢。
+ plus加号,正号 - minus减号,负号;× is multiplied by乘号; ÷ is divided by除号线 ; = is equal to等于号;≠ is not equal to不等于号; is greater than大于号;≤ is less than or equal to小于等于号;≥ is more than or equal to大于等于号