
2019-04-08  本文已影响0人  Pillar_Zhong


peer channel join -b mychannel.block




func executeJoin(cf *ChannelCmdFactory) (err error) {
   spec, err := getJoinCCSpec()
   if err != nil {
      return err

   // Build the ChaincodeInvocationSpec message
   invocation := &pb.ChaincodeInvocationSpec{ChaincodeSpec: spec}

   creator, err := cf.Signer.Serialize()
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("Error serializing identity for %s: %s", cf.Signer.GetIdentifier(), err)

   var prop *pb.Proposal
   prop, _, err = putils.CreateProposalFromCIS(pcommon.HeaderType_CONFIG, "", invocation, creator)
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("Error creating proposal for join %s", err)

   var signedProp *pb.SignedProposal
   signedProp, err = putils.GetSignedProposal(prop, cf.Signer)
   if err != nil {
      return fmt.Errorf("Error creating signed proposal %s", err)

   var proposalResp *pb.ProposalResponse
   proposalResp, err = cf.EndorserClient.ProcessProposal(context.Background(), signedProp)
   if err != nil {
      return ProposalFailedErr(err.Error())

   if proposalResp == nil {
      return ProposalFailedErr("nil proposal response")

   if proposalResp.Response.Status != 0 && proposalResp.Response.Status != 200 {
      return ProposalFailedErr(fmt.Sprintf("bad proposal response %d: %s", proposalResp.Response.Status, proposalResp.Response.Message))
   logger.Info("Successfully submitted proposal to join channel")
   return nil


  • 生成cis,也就是ChaincodeInvocationSpec,这里跟chaincode invoke篇高度相似,这里就不再赘述。而这里cis的重点是里面最终调用的是什么地方。

    • 可以看到最终是调用cscc的JoinChain
func getJoinCCSpec() (*pb.ChaincodeSpec, error) {
  if genesisBlockPath == common.UndefinedParamValue {
     return nil, errors.New("Must supply genesis block file")

  gb, err := ioutil.ReadFile(genesisBlockPath)
  if err != nil {
     return nil, GBFileNotFoundErr(err.Error())
  // Build the spec
  input := &pb.ChaincodeInput{Args: [][]byte{[]byte(cscc.JoinChain), gb}}

  spec := &pb.ChaincodeSpec{
     Type:        pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type(pb.ChaincodeSpec_Type_value["GOLANG"]),
     ChaincodeId: &pb.ChaincodeID{Name: "cscc"},
     Input:       input,

  return spec, nil
  • 最后包装成HeaderType_CONFIG的Proposal
  • 注意,这里会去生成数字签名,当然是用的signidentity,而签名身份是跟admin是一致的。
  • 接着就是开始处理proposal了


case JoinChain:
   if args[1] == nil {
      return shim.Error("Cannot join the channel <nil> configuration block provided")

   block, err := utils.GetBlockFromBlockBytes(args[1])
   if err != nil {
      return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Failed to reconstruct the genesis block, %s", err))

   cid, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(block)
   if err != nil {
      return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("\"JoinChain\" request failed to extract "+
         "channel id from the block due to [%s]", err))

   if err := validateConfigBlock(block); err != nil {
      return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("\"JoinChain\" for chainID = %s failed because of validation "+
         "of configuration block, because of %s", cid, err))

   // 2. check local MSP Admins policy
   // TODO: move to ACLProvider once it will support chainless ACLs
   if err = e.policyChecker.CheckPolicyNoChannel(mgmt.Admins, sp); err != nil {
      return shim.Error(fmt.Sprintf("access denied for [%s][%s]: [%s]", fname, cid, err))

   // Initialize txsFilter if it does not yet exist. We can do this safely since
   // it's the genesis block anyway
   txsFilter := util.TxValidationFlags(block.Metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER])
   if len(txsFilter) == 0 {
      // add array of validation code hardcoded to valid
      txsFilter = util.NewTxValidationFlagsSetValue(len(block.Data.Data), pb.TxValidationCode_VALID)
      block.Metadata.Metadata[common.BlockMetadataIndex_TRANSACTIONS_FILTER] = txsFilter

   return joinChain(cid, block, e.ccp, e.sccp)
  • 前面就是block的各种校验,跳过

  • CheckPolicyNoChannel(mgmt.Admins, sp),为什么前面要强调签名身份跟admin一致,说明这个proposal包是admin签署的。而这里就是校验规则是否是admin。截取片段证明我所言非虚。

    case m.MSPRole_ADMIN:
       mspLogger.Debugf("Checking if identity satisfies ADMIN role for %s", msp.name)
       // in the case of admin, we check that the
       // id is exactly one of our admins
       for _, admincert := range msp.admins {
          if bytes.Equal(id.(*identity).cert.Raw, admincert.(*identity).cert.Raw) {
             // we do not need to check whether the admin is a valid identity
             // according to this MSP, since we already check this at Setup time
             // if there is a match, we can just return
             return nil
    • 可以看到这里就是比对证书是否跟本地保存的该组织的admin是否一致。


func joinChain(chainID string, block *common.Block, ccp ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, sccp sysccprovider.SystemChaincodeProvider) pb.Response {
   if err := peer.CreateChainFromBlock(block, ccp, sccp); err != nil {
      return shim.Error(err.Error())


   return shim.Success(nil)



func CreateChainFromBlock(cb *common.Block, ccp ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, sccp sysccprovider.SystemChaincodeProvider) error {
   cid, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(cb)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   var l ledger.PeerLedger
   if l, err = ledgermgmt.CreateLedger(cb); err != nil {
      return errors.WithMessage(err, "cannot create ledger from genesis block")

   return createChain(cid, l, cb, ccp, sccp, pluginMapper)


  • 创建本地帐本
  • createChain,回忆下上篇创建通道,那里会初始化orderer端的chain,并启动。而这里是peer端


func createChain(cid string, ledger ledger.PeerLedger, cb *common.Block, ccp ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, sccp sysccprovider.SystemChaincodeProvider, pm txvalidator.PluginMapper) error {
   chanConf, err := retrievePersistedChannelConfig(ledger)
   if err != nil {
      return err

   var bundle *channelconfig.Bundle

   if chanConf != nil {
      bundle, err = channelconfig.NewBundle(cid, chanConf)
      if err != nil {
         return err
   } else {
      // Config was only stored in the statedb starting with v1.1 binaries
      // so if the config is not found there, extract it manually from the config block
      envelopeConfig, err := utils.ExtractEnvelope(cb, 0)
      if err != nil {
         return err

      bundle, err = channelconfig.NewBundleFromEnvelope(envelopeConfig)
      if err != nil {
         return err



   gossipEventer := service.GetGossipService().NewConfigEventer()

   gossipCallbackWrapper := func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) {
      ac, ok := bundle.ApplicationConfig()
      if !ok {
         // TODO, handle a missing ApplicationConfig more gracefully
         ac = nil
         Validator:   bundle.ConfigtxValidator(),
         Application: ac,
         Channel:     bundle.ChannelConfig(),
      service.GetGossipService().SuspectPeers(func(identity api.PeerIdentityType) bool {
         // TODO: this is a place-holder that would somehow make the MSP layer suspect
         // that a given certificate is revoked, or its intermediate CA is revoked.
         // In the meantime, before we have such an ability, we return true in order
         // to suspect ALL identities in order to validate all of them.
         return true

   trustedRootsCallbackWrapper := func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) {

   mspCallback := func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) {
      // TODO remove once all references to mspmgmt are gone from peer code
      mspmgmt.XXXSetMSPManager(cid, bundle.MSPManager())

   ac, ok := bundle.ApplicationConfig()
   if !ok {
      ac = nil

   cs := &chainSupport{
      Application: ac, // TODO, refactor as this is accessible through Manager
      ledger:      ledger,

   peerSingletonCallback := func(bundle *channelconfig.Bundle) {
      ac, ok := bundle.ApplicationConfig()
      if !ok {
         ac = nil
      cs.Application = ac
      cs.Resources = bundle

   cs.bundleSource = channelconfig.NewBundleSource(

   vcs := struct {
   }{cs, validationWorkersSemaphore}
   validator := txvalidator.NewTxValidator(cid, vcs, sccp, pm)
   c := committer.NewLedgerCommitterReactive(ledger, func(block *common.Block) error {
      chainID, err := utils.GetChainIDFromBlock(block)
      if err != nil {
         return err
      return SetCurrConfigBlock(block, chainID)

   ordererAddresses := bundle.ChannelConfig().OrdererAddresses()
   if len(ordererAddresses) == 0 {
      return errors.New("no ordering service endpoint provided in configuration block")

   // TODO: does someone need to call Close() on the transientStoreFactory at shutdown of the peer?
   store, err := TransientStoreFactory.OpenStore(bundle.ConfigtxValidator().ChainID())
   if err != nil {
      return errors.Wrapf(err, "[channel %s] failed opening transient store", bundle.ConfigtxValidator().ChainID())
   csStoreSupport := &CollectionSupport{
      PeerLedger: ledger,
   simpleCollectionStore := privdata.NewSimpleCollectionStore(csStoreSupport)

   service.GetGossipService().InitializeChannel(bundle.ConfigtxValidator().ChainID(), ordererAddresses, service.Support{
      Validator:            validator,
      Committer:            c,
      Store:                store,
      Cs:                   simpleCollectionStore,
      IdDeserializeFactory: csStoreSupport,

   defer chains.Unlock()
   chains.list[cid] = &chain{
      cs:        cs,
      cb:        cb,
      committer: c,

   return nil
  • 首先根据传入的genesisblock中拿到envelope,进而转换成bundle,又来了,看过上篇的,应该很熟悉了。

  • 拿到bundle后,第一时间就是组装chainsupport,可以看到后面的wrapper和callback都是用来处理当bundle更新的场景,也就是当配置变更的时候会回调这些逻辑,这里就不展开了。自行分析吧。

cs := &chainSupport{
      Application: ac, // TODO, refactor as this is accessible through Manager
      ledger:      ledger,

cs.bundleSource = channelconfig.NewBundleSource(
  • 然后就是根据账本去初始化LedgerCommitter,这是账本提交相关的。

  • 最后最最重要的是初始化gossip服务,回忆下gossip会做什么?

    • 去orderer拉取block
    • peer节点间选举
    • peer成员间主动被动同步block
    • peer成员状态同步
  • 而这些都会在这里面去初始化,service.GetGossipService().InitializeChannel感兴趣的可以进去看看,可以找到前面所讲的deliveryService,leaderelection,GossipStateProvider


peer.Initialize(func(cid string) {
   logger.Debugf("Deploying system CC, for channel <%s>", cid)
   sccp.DeploySysCCs(cid, ccp)
   sub, err := lifecycle.NewChannelSubscription(cid, cc.QueryCreatorFunc(func() (cc.Query, error) {
      return peer.GetLedger(cid).NewQueryExecutor()
   if err != nil {
      logger.Panicf("Failed subscribing to chaincode lifecycle updates")
   cceventmgmt.GetMgr().Register(cid, sub)
  • 当peer node start的时候也会调用sccp.DeploySysCCs(cid, ccp),只不过cid为空,说明是系统级的scc,而这里部署的是通道相关的scc。也就是说以后在通道的基础上调用的scc就是该通道独有的,跟其他通道以及系统区分开。

  • 好奇,到底有什么区别,都用系统级的不好么?进去看看


func deploySysCC(chainID string, ccprov ccprovider.ChaincodeProvider, syscc SelfDescribingSysCC) error {

   if chainID != "" {
      lgr := peer.GetLedger(chainID)
      if lgr == nil {
         panic(fmt.Sprintf("syschain %s start up failure - unexpected nil ledger for channel %s", syscc.Name(), chainID))

      txsim, err := lgr.NewTxSimulator(txid)
      if err != nil {
         return err

      txParams.TXSimulator = txsim
      defer txsim.Done()






