2018-11-28 (Install Scikit-Learn
Install PIP for Python
What Is PIP for Python?
PIP is a recursive acronym that stands for “PIP Installs Packages” or “Preferred Installer Program”. If you’re using Python 2.7.9 (or greater) or Python 3.4 (or greater), then PIP comes installed with Python by default.
Install get-pip.py
python get-pip.py
Upgrade PIP for Python
python -m pip install -U pip
Where is PIP
Default: Python installation's script directory
eg. C:\WPy-3670\python-3.6.7.amd64\Scripts
Add PIP into path
Ref: 2018-11-27 (Install Python Module) / Add Path
Install from PyPI
Seach python packages
pip install "SomeProject"
pip can install from either Source Distributions (sdist) or Wheels, but if both are present
on PyPI, pip will prefer a compatible wheel.
Install NumPY
pip install -U numpy
Install SciPY
pip install -U scipy
Install Scikit-Learn
pip install -U scikit-learn