

2016-01-25  本文已影响64人  刘二傻


L:Great! We've found it.好,有线索了。

L:The car was hired yesterday morning by an Ian Monkford. Banker of some kind. City boy. Paid in cash. Told his wife he was going away on a business trip, never arrived.车是昨天上午有个叫伊安·蒙福德的人租走了这车,他是个银行家。金融人士,付的现金。他跟妻子说去出差但是一直没到目的地。

D:You're still hanging round him.你还在跟他混啊

W:Yeah, well...对…

D:Opposites attract, I s'pose.异性相吸吧。

W:We're not...我们不是...

D:You should getyourself a hobby. Stamps, maybe. Model trains. Safer. 你得找点兴趣爱好,集邮、拼模型啊。比这安全多了。

L:Before you ask, yes, it's Monkford's blood. DNA checks out.先告诉你声,那确实是蒙福德的血,验过DNA了。

S:No body.没尸体。

D:Not yet.暂时没有。

S:Get a sample sent to the lab.把血样送到实验室

S:Mrs Monkford...蒙福德夫人…

Mrs Monkford:Yes. Sorry, but I've already spoken with two policemen.是我,抱歉,我已经跟两位警官叙述过了。

W:We're not from the police, we're...我们不是警方,我们是...

S:Sherlock HolmesVery old friend of your husband's. We, um... we grew up together.夏洛克·福尔摩斯,您先生的旧友。我们可以说是一起长大的

Mrs Monkford:I'm sorry. Who? I don't think he ever mentioned you.抱歉,哪位?我不记得他提到过您。

S:Oh, he must have done. This is... This is horrible.I mean, I just can't believe it. I only saw him the other day. Same old Ian.Not a care in the world.他肯定说过的,这事儿...简直让人伤心欲绝,难以置信。我前两天才刚见过他,还是老样子,一脸玩世不恭。

Mrs Monkford:Sorry... My husbandhas been depressed for months. Who are you? 抱歉我丈夫近几个月一直很消沉。你到底是谁?

S:Really strange thathe hired a car.Why would he do that? It's a bit suspicious, isn't it? 真奇怪,他怎么会租车呢?太奇怪了,很可疑,不是吗?

Mrs Monkford:No, it isn't. He forgot to renew the tax on the car, that's all.没什么奇怪,他忘了交车税了,仅此而已。

S:Ah, well! That was Ian. That was Ian all over.哈,果然是伊安。伊安生前就是这样。

Mrs Monkford:No, it wasn't.才不是。

S:Wasn't it? Interesting.生前不是吗?有意思。

W:Why did you lie to her?你为什么要骗她?

S:People don't liketelling you things but they love to contradict you. Past tense, did you notice? 人们不会轻易向你透露些什么,但他们会对你的错误提出反驳。发现了吗,她用了过去式。


S:I referred to her husband in the past tense. She joined in.Bit premature. They've only just found the car.我用“生前”形容她丈夫。她没反驳,现在就说“生前”太早了吧,警方才刚刚发现车子。

W:You think she murdered her husband?你认为她谋杀亲夫?

S:That's not a mistake a murderer would make.谋杀犯不会蠢到犯这种错

W:I see... No, I don't. What am I seeing?我明白,不对,没明白到底啥意思。

D:Fishing. Try fishing. Where now?现在去哪儿?钓鱼,试试钓鱼。

S:Janus Cars. Justfound this in the glove compartment. 杰纳斯租车行,在仪表板下的储物箱里发现的。

Man B:Can't see how I can help you gentlemen.不知有何能效劳,先生们。

W:Mr Monkford hired the car from you yesterday.蒙福德先生昨天在你这租了车。

Man B:Yeah, lovely motor. Mazda RX8.Wouldn't mind one of them myself.对,一辆好车,马自达RX8,要是我能有一辆就好了。

S:Is that one?是那辆吗?

Man B:No, they're all Jags. I can see you're not a car man, eh?不,那些都是捷豹。看来你不是懂车之人啊。

S:But surely you can afford one - a Mazda, I mean.但你肯定买得起一辆马自达

Man B:Yeah, fair point. It's like working in a sweet shop. Once you start eating the Liquorice Allsorts, where does it stop?对,差不多吧。这就像在甜品店工作,一旦偷吃了一口甘草什锦糖,就会一发不可收拾?

W:You didn't know Mr Monkford.你不认识蒙福德先生?

Man B:No, he was just a client. He came in here and hired one of my cars. I've no idea what happened to him. Poor sod!对,只是客户而已。他来这里,租了一辆车。我不知道他出了什么事,可怜的家伙。

S:Nice holiday, Mr Ewart?假期可好,伊华先生?

Man B:Eh?什么?

S:You've been away, haven't you?你出过远门吧?

Man B:Oh, the... No, it's sun beds, I'm afraid. Too busy to get away. My wife would love it, though - bit of sun.不,只是人工日光浴。工作太忙了走不开,不过我妻子喜欢我这样,看起来更阳光。

S:Have you got any change for the cigarette machine?你有零钱吗?我想买烟。

Man B:What?什么?

S:I noticed one on the way in and I'm gasping.进来时看到有香烟贩售机,烟瘾上来了。

Man B:No, sorry.没有,不好意思。

S:Oh, well! Thank you very much for your time, Mr Ewart. You've been very helpful. Come on, John!好吧,谢谢伊华先生,打扰了。您可帮了我们大忙,约翰,走吧。

W:I've got change, if you still want to...我有零钱,如果你想...

S:Nicotine patches, remember? I'm doing well.尼古丁贴片,记得吧?我戒烟顺利。

W:So, what was all that about?那你为什么问他?

S:I needed to look inside his wallet.我要看看他的钱包里面。


S:Mr Ewart's a liar.伊华先生没说实话。


Man A:The clue's in the name - Janus Cars.杰纳斯这个名字就是线索。

S:Why would you be giving me a clue?你为什么给我线索?

Man A:Why does anyone doanything? Because I'm bored. We were made for each other, Sherlock. 喜欢而已,没有理由。因为我无聊嘛。我们是天生一对,夏洛克。

S:Then talk to me in your own voice.那你就亲自来见我。

Man A:Patience.耐心点,迟早的事。

S:How much blood was  on that seat, would you say?你说驾驶座上的血有多少?

L:How much? About a pint.多少?大约一品脱

S:Not about. Exactly a pint. That was their first mistake. The blood's Ian Monkford's,but it's been frozen.不是大约,正好一品脱,这是他们犯的第一个错误。这血确实属于伊安,但是冷冻血。


S:There are clearsigns. I think Ian Monkford gave a pint of his blood some time ago and that'swhat they spread on the seat. 显而易见。我认为伊安之前给他们提供了一品脱血,然后他们洒在这里。

W:Who did?谁干的?

S:Janus Cars. The clue's in the name.杰纳斯租车行,线索就在名字里。

W:The god with twofaces?就是那个罗马神话的双面神杰纳斯?

S:Exactly. They provide a very special service. If you've got any kind of a problem - money troubles, bad marriage, whatever -Janus Cars will help you disappear. Ian Monkford was in trouble -financial at a guess, he's a banker - couldn't see a way out. But if he were to vanish, if the car he hired was found with his blood on the driver's seat...没错。他们提供特殊服务,要是委托人有任何麻烦-债务、婚变,无论什么,杰纳斯帮你消失。蒙福德有麻烦,估计是财务问题。他在银行工作嘛,他走投无路,但如果他人间蒸发,只要他租的车沾满他的血被发现...

W:So where is he?那他人到底在哪?



S:Mr Ewart, of Janus Cars, had a 20,000 Colombian peso note in his wallet. Quite a bit of change, too. He told us he hadn't been abroad recently, but when I asked him about the cars, I could see his tan line clearly. No-one wears a shirt on a sun bed. That, plus his arm.杰纳斯车行的伊华先生,钱包里有一张两万哥伦比亚比索以及不少比索零钱。但他说最近没有出国过,当我问他车型时,他颈上晒痕清晰可见,没人穿衬衫去照日光浴,还有他的手臂…

L:His arm?他的手臂?

S:He kept scratching it. Obviously irritating him, and bleeding. He'd recently had a booster jab. Hep-B, probably. Hard to tell at that distance. He's just back from settling Ian Monkfod into his new life in Colombia. Mrs Monkford cashes in the life  insurance, and she splits it with Janus Cars.他不断在挠,显然很痒,而且在渗血,因为最近刚打过疫苗,可能是乙肝疫苗。距离太远,不好确定。他刚去了哥伦比亚,安顿好伊安才回来。蒙福德夫人则领取人寿保险。和杰纳斯车行分赃

W:Mrs Monkford?蒙福德夫人?

S:Oh, yes. She's in onit too. Go and arrest them, Inspector, that's what you do best. We need to letour bomber know the case is solved. I am on fire!是的,她也是共犯。去逮捕吧,探长,你最擅长这了。我们得让炸弹客知道案子解决了。我整个人都燃了!

Man A:He says... you can come and fetch me. Help! Help me, please!他说,你们可以来救我了。救命,救救我,求你们救我。

S:Feeling better?好点了么?

W:Mmm. We've hardlystopped for breath since this thing started. Has it occurred to you...? 嗯。这事开始后连喘气的机会都没有。你想过没...


W:No, has it occurred to you that the bomber's playing a game with you? The envelope,breaking into the other flat, the dead kid's shoes -it's all meant for you.不,我是说你想过这是炸弹客在跟你玩智力游戏?给你信封,闯入隔壁公寓。死掉孩子的鞋,全都是针对你。

S:Yes, I know.我知道。

W:Is it him, then?



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