The notes of reading the Sapienc

2020-07-03  本文已影响0人  蔚海山庄三六子

It has been seventy days for me reading the book Sapiens, a brief history of humankind.  As a hundred days reading plan, I have done seventy per cent of the total. It is my fifty-six birthday also. If my lifespan is 80 years old, I have been living 70 per cent also.

Following the writer describes and thinking, I seem to take a spaceship through the time  channel and bird’s eye View the global.

In fifty-six years, from eastern to Western, from North to South, from speaking Mandarin to speak the English language, all of the experience helps me to understand the World and history.

I have been lived in China for forty years, then have been to New Zealand for Sixteen years now.

I was born and grown up in a poor and small town. Till eighteen years old, I have not been to other places and speak dialects only.

When I was a child, I have heard lots of groceries names with 洋, such as 洋火、洋烟、洋碱、洋糖、洋油、洋布.

I were confused and asked my parents. Then I knew that many of the goods not made in China, many of them imported from overseas. Even that time our country makes them, but older adults still used to call that import description name.

In 2003, I was in Auckland; then whenever I was in shopping, I find a lot of products made in China.




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