学习笔记|100 PhD rules of the game t
Section#1 (19 rules): some high-level general advice on doctoral education and being a doctoral student
Section#2 (10 rules): advice on how to find a supervisor
Section#3 (10 rules): suggestions for finding a topic
Section#4 (10 rules): The one-on-one relationship between supervisor and doctoral student
No. 1 Enjoy your doctoral studies 享受博士阶段的学习有助于成为成功的研究者
No. 2 Open your mind 开放心态,接受新的idea,从批评中学习
No. 3 Develop your critical thinking skills 批判思维是学术世界的根基,学会分辨好坏
No. 4 Have confidence 不需要畏惧获取博士学位的难度
No. 5 Be determined, dogged and persistent 坚定、顽强和坚持比IQ更为重要
No. 6 Be resilient 恢复和反弹能力
No. 7 Manage the highs and lows 博士学习像过山车
No. 8 Focus 专注
No. 9 Be disciplined 自律
No. 10 Be methodological 有条理
No. 11 Understand your philosophy
No. 12 Don’t do too much teaching or grading
No. 13 Look for help
No. 14 Learn the literature 了解研究领域的顶级出版物并确保所阅读的低级出版物的质量
No. 15 Take responsibility for your research
No. 16 Talk to other doctoral students in your
university 学会和其它博士生交流
No. 17 Find a study buddy
No. 18 Learn from others
No. 19 Understand the importance of finishing
Finding a supervisor
No. 20 Register in a university with good supports for doctoral students
No. 21 Register in a university with a track record in your chosen field of research
No. 22 Pick a research-active supervisor 导师发表论文的水平在一定程度上决定你能发表论文的水平
No. 22 Choose a supervisor who shares your research interests 相同的研究兴趣
No. 24 Choose a supervisor you will get on with 选择可以很好相处的导师
No. 25 Work with your supervisor for a time before registering 在选择之前与导师共事一段时间
No. 26 Maintain a good relationship with your supervisor 维持好的师生关系
No. 27 Check whether your supervisor is likely to stay in your university
No. 28 Check out your supervisor 和导师的学生了解导师的强项和弱点
No. 29 Understand the role of supervisor 明确倒是的角色。导师只是提供建议和指导以确保学生处于正确的轨道上。
Choosing a topic/research question
No. 30 Find a topic/research question that interests you
No. 31 Avoid fad-du-jour topics 避免当前热门被大量研究的话题
No. 32 Find a topic/research question that makes a substantial contribution to the literature 选择一个对出版物有用的研究问题。考虑问题需要包括:(1)哪些方面是当前研究扩展和改良的;(2)你的研究的独特之处在在哪,有何价值;(3)研究的话题有哪些观点是被公认的;(4)研究内容存在哪些问题;(5)对这些问题最新的解释
No. 33 Put three bricks on the wall of knowledge 为当前研究问题的知识墙上放三块砖,砖即可以发表的论文,需要明确砖可以放在哪
No. 34 Don’t magnify the requirement for contribution to unrealistic proportions 不要将自己的贡献的要求放大到不现实的程度
No. 35 Choose a topic in an area you are likely to teach
No. 36 Write a dissertation proposal
No. 37 Write ten dissertation proposals 这个练习对于理解当前研究进展和选择好的研究话题是很有帮助的
No. 38 Summarise ten articles
No. 39 Avoid the flounder factor
Working with your supervisor
No. 40 Have regular meetings with your supervisor 安排和导师见面是学生的职责,一/两个月一次便足够。提前计划好并且准备讨论的话题以确保见面是有效率的。
No. 41 Give your supervisor written, as well as verbal, reports of progress 给导师书面或口头的进展报告有助于导师给予高质量的反馈
No. 42 Take notes of your supervisor’s advice
No. 43 Play tennis with your supervisor 尽快将导师布置的任务做完,将球打回去
No. 44 Listen and respond to your supervisor’s advice
Conducting the research
No. 45 Have a doctoral-completion plan
No. 46 Make sure your plan is comprehensive
No. 47 Meet your own deadlines 努力尝试跟上自己的计划
No. 48 Identify key milestones in your plan 明确所有进程的时间限制并确保这些在你的计划里
No. 49 Complete your course work as fast as possible
No. 50 Become a world expert on your theory 您考虑了哪些理论? 您使用什么理论,为什么? 您没有使用什么理论,为什么不呢? 不要使用太多理论。 但是,理论有时可以很好地配合使用。 理论线索应贯穿研究的正确方向。
No. 51 Become a world expert on your method and methodology 确保您深入了解自己的方法。 证明为什么选择方法。 您还可以选择其他什么方法? 您能证明为什么不采用其他方法吗? 文献中关于该方法的争议和辩论是什么? 您的研究定位如何?
No. 52 Be familiar with your university’s policies on research
No. 53 Find opportunities to present your work
No. 54 Find opportunities to get feedback
No. 55 Attend doctoral colloquia and workshops 介绍您的工作,获得工作反馈,结识其他学者,结识其他博士生
No. 56 Attend departmental seminars 开放心态,参加不同学科方向的研讨
Writing the dissertation
No. 57 Start writing your dissertation on the first day of your doctoral studies 多写多练
No. 58 Learn to write
No. 59 Know how to make an argument 避免糟糕的辩证和逻辑谬论
No. 60 Decide on the model of dissertation to pursue
No. 61 Understand your university’s regulations concerning PhD dissertations
No. 62 Start your dissertation with a table of contents 前期中期后期需要干什么的表格。
No. 63 Look at Brennan’s (1998) template to begin your table of contents 表格的支柱是驱动整个项目的研究问题
No. 64 Think about your dissertation structure/ table of contents regularly 根据研究进度市场反思和更新研究内容的表格
No. 65 Prepare a dissertation master document 用一个文档保存所有文件
No. 66 Keep backup copies of your dissertation 备份文件
No. 67 Read a bit, write a bit; Write a bit, read a bit 读多少写多少,看论文时注意总结,并收集对毕业论文有用的句子
No. 68 Read other dissertations
No. 69 Write (almost) every day
No. 70 Choose a great title
No. 71 Make sure your preliminary material is presented correctly
No. 72 Write a great abstract 准备多份草稿。突出贡献
No. 73 Provide lots of signposts for your readers 取适当的副标题
No. 74 Lubricate your readers through the document 站在读者的角度,尽可能像为非专家读者一样解释清楚,在每一个章节的始末总结。
No. 76 Pay special attention to the first and last chapters 起始和结束的章节被认为是阅读最多的部分。
No. 77 Don’t overlook limitations, future research and implications 这部分通常位于结尾的章节,这部分由于时间压力和精力等很容易被忽视。
No. 78 Complete a literature review 多次审查
No. 79 Judge what to put into appendices
No. 80 Write to tell a story 不只是记流水账
No. 81 Choose your citation and referencing system at the outset
No. 82 Copy edit and proofread your dissertation
The viva voce/PhD examination
No. 83 Understand your university’s regulations concerning PhD examination
No. 84 In consultation with your supervisor, choose your examiner(s) carefully
No. 85 Your PhD examiner can help you to get published
No. 86 Find out what will happen on the day of
the viva voce
No. 87 Know your audience
No. 88 Understand the purpose of a viva voce
No. 89 Anticipate the questions you might be
asked as the viva voce
No. 90 Do a mock viva voce
No. 91 Take notes of the questions
No. 92 Be confident and authoritative
No. 93 Defend but don’t be defensive 所有研究都有缺陷
No. 94 Expect to be asked to make changes to your dissertation 优秀的学者总是看到改进的机会。 由审查员要求对论文进行更改是研究的正常部分,并且是博士论文发表阶段即将进行的期刊审阅过程的重要内容。 当我听说博士学位通过但未经更正时,我想知道是因为审查员很懒。 没有纠正并不意味着论文是好的
Publishing doctoral research
No. 95 Publish your doctoral research 一篇博士毕业论文应该具有发三篇论文的能力
No. 96 Play snakes and ladders
No. 97 Co-author with your supervisor
No. 98 Make sure your supervisor is not a byline bandit 确定导师不会夺取你的研究成果
No. 99 Don’t let your paper look like it’s from a doctoral dissertation
Concluding rule
No. 100 Enjoy your doctoral studies