

2019-06-29  本文已影响0人  EvilGeniuss



英语还是潘多拉课程。今天学了let up这个phrasal verb。有雨要停了,闭嘴的意思。scorcher表示大热天,nippy表示寒冷soaking wet表示全身湿透。rain cats and dogs,大雨。





Today is the beginning day of my English writing!Today

I did not read new books and start learning German.

The only source of my English input is still from Pandora APP. Today I learned the multiple meanings and usage of phrasal verb "let up". The rain will let up indicates that the rain is going to stop. If you tell someone to let up, you tell him to shut up. If you feel the temperature is tooooo hot, you can say this is a scorcher. If you mean the weather is cold, you can say it is nippy today. Soaking wet means you are wet from head to toes. it rains cats and dogs means it rains heavily.

There are no financial courses today.

I still hesitate over whether to apply for the career course or not. The main problem is that I afraid that I do not have enough time. Not the money. While writing this article, I search the information of the course on Zhihu. The result is I give up the hope to attend because the course is intensive. I do not have so much time. I already have to manage to learn English, German and Math the same time.

Badminton Swing and Footstep for today. But still no time for freeline. Shame!

The above picture is the Math I have learned today! I am sure I will benefit from the deliberate practice of Math one day!

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