Not let your imperfection hold y

2021-02-21  本文已影响0人  Mengtio

At first read, Dalí's words seems almost defeatist, like an Eeyorish motto taking a glooming outlook on ambition. On the surface this quote may seem a shade pessimistic. Saying we can't attain perfection doesn't exactly come off as encouraging. But if we dig deeper, he is warning us that perfection doesn't exist. Every day we are bombarded by images of the perfect life on television and advertisements on social media. We see perfect clothes, perfect vacations, and perfect jobs. But Dalí argues that there is no such things as perfect. However, society doesn't like to acknowledge that. As a result, we hold ourselves back if our lives don't match those seemingly perfect images. As you go about your day, take some time to reflect on whether the fear of perfection is holding you back. Are there passions you don't pursue out of fear that you won't be good enough? If so, take solace in Salvador  Dalí's words; don't let the fear of not living up to someone else's standards hold you back. Being perfect doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy and you'll find those fears melting away. Far from thwarting potential, these words can help unleash it.

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