6. 世界文化原创文字集读书


2021-08-27  本文已影响0人  Winterlily

《老人与海》最经典的句子出现在老人战胜第一条鲨鱼之后。老人是这么说的: A man can be destroyed but not defeated. 这句话被很多人引用过,以证明老人具有“硬汉”精神。用汉语表达,它的意思是:一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败。
此后的一段时间里再没有出现鲨鱼。不过,老人已经累坏了:‘You're tired, old man,' he said. ' You're tired inside.' (“老家伙,你累了,”他说。“连里面的骨头都累了。”)
The old man saw the brown fins coming along the wide trail the fish must make in the water. They were not even quartering on the scent. They were headed straight for the skiff swimming side by side.
He jammed the tiller, made the sheet fast and reached under the stern the tern for the club. It was an oar handle from a broken oar sawed off to about two and a half feet in length. He could only use it effectively with one hand because of the grip of the handle and he took good hold of it with his right hand, flexing his hand on it, as he watched the sharks come.
The two sharks closed together and as he saw the one nearest him open his jaws and sink them into the silver side of the fish, he raised the club high and brought it down heavy and slamming onto the top of the shark's broad head. He felt the rubbery solidity of bone too and he struck the shark once more hard across the point of the nose as he slid down from the fish.
The other shark had been in and out and now came in again with his jaws wide. The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws. He swung at him and hit only the head and the shark looked at him and wrenched the meat loose. The old man swung the club down on him again as he slipped away to swallow and hit only the heavy solid rubberiness.
'Come on, ' the old man said. ' Come in again.'
The shark came in in a rush and the old man hit him as he shut his jaws. He hit him solidly and from as high up as he could raise the club. This time he felt the bone at the base of the brain and he hit him again in the same place while the shark tore the meat loose sluggishly and slid down from the fish.
The old man watched for him to come again but neither shark showed. Then he saw one on the surface swimming in circle. He did not see the fin of the other.


He sailed lightly now and he had no thoughts nor any feelings of any kind. He was past everything now and he sailed intelligently as he could. In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table. The old man paid no attention to them and didn't pay any attention to anything except steering.

有评论者说,《老人与海》具有深刻的象征性,其中老人象征人类,鲨鱼象征磨难。这样说有一定的道理。但对于文学作品的解读从来就不能搞一言堂, 你可以这样解释,别人也可以那样解释,正所谓:一千个读者就有一千个哈姆雷特。

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