
2019-04-20  本文已影响0人  艺术家死得福

#include "FS.h"

#include "esp_system.h"

#include <esp_wifi.h>

#include <string.h>

#include <WiFi.h>

#include <Preferences.h>  // WiFi storage

const  char* rssiSSID;      // NO MORE hard coded set AP, all SmartConfig

const  char* password;

String PrefSSID, PrefPassword;  // used by preferences storage

int  WFstatus;

int UpCount = 0;

int32_t rssi;          // store WiFi signal strength here

String getSsid;

String getPass;

String  MAC;

// SSID storage

Preferences preferences;  // declare class object

// END SSID storage

void setup() {


  Serial.printf("\tWiFi Setup -- \n"  );

  wifiInit();      // get WiFi connected


  MAC = getMacAddress();


} //  END setup()

void loop() {

  if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) {


  } else {

    //  wifi down start LED flasher here

    WFstatus = getWifiStatus( WFstatus );

    WiFi.begin( PrefSSID.c_str() , PrefPassword.c_str() );

    int WLcount = 0;

    while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && WLcount < 20 ) {

      delay( 100 );


      if (UpCount >= 60) {

        // keep from scrolling sideways forever

        UpCount = 0;






    if ( getWifiStatus( WFstatus ) == 3 ) {

      // wifi returns

      // stop LED flasher, wifi going up


    delay( 1000 );



void wifiInit() {

  WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);  // required to read NVR before WiFi.begin()

  // load credentials from NVR, a little RTOS code here

  wifi_config_t conf;

  esp_wifi_get_config(WIFI_IF_STA, &conf);  // load wifi settings to struct comf

  rssiSSID = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(conf.sta.ssid);

  password = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(conf.sta.password);

  Serial.printf( "%s\n", rssiSSID );

  Serial.printf( "%s\n", password );

  // Open Preferences with "wifi" namespace. Namespace is limited to 15 chars

  preferences.begin("wifi", false);

  PrefSSID          =  preferences.getString("ssid", "none");      //NVS key ssid

  PrefPassword  =  preferences.getString("password", "none");  //NVS key password


  // keep from rewriting flash if not needed

  if ( !checkPrefsStore() )    // see is NV and Prefs are the same

  { // not the same, setup with SmartConfig

    if ( PrefSSID == "none" ) // New...setup wifi



      delay( 3000);

      ESP.restart();  // reboot with wifi configured



  // I flash LEDs while connecting here

  WiFi.begin( PrefSSID.c_str() , PrefPassword.c_str() );

  int WLcount = 0;

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && WLcount < 200 ) // can take > 100 loops depending on router settings


    delay( 100 );




  delay( 3000 );

  //  stop the led flasher here

}  // END wifiInit()

// match WiFi IDs in NVS to Pref store,  assumes WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);  was executed

bool checkPrefsStore() {

  bool val = false;

  String NVssid, NVpass, prefssid, prefpass;

  NVssid = getSsidPass( "ssid" );

  NVpass = getSsidPass( "pass" );

  // Open Preferences with my-app namespace. Namespace name is limited to 15 chars

  preferences.begin("wifi", false);

  prefssid  =  preferences.getString("ssid", "none");    //NVS key ssid

  prefpass  =  preferences.getString("password", "none"); //NVS key password


  if ( NVssid.equals(prefssid) && NVpass.equals(prefpass) )


    val = true;


  return val;


// optionally call this function any way you want in your own code

// to remap WiFi to another AP using SmartConfig mode.  Button, condition etc..

void initSmartConfig()


  // start LED flasher

  int loopCounter = 0;

  WiFi.mode( WIFI_AP_STA );      //Init WiFi, start SmartConfig

  Serial.printf( "Entering SmartConfig\n" );


  while (!WiFi.smartConfigDone())


    // flash led to indicate not configured

    Serial.printf( "." );

    if ( loopCounter >= 40 ) // keep from scrolling sideways forever


      loopCounter = 0;

      Serial.printf( "\n" );





  loopCounter = 0;

  // stopped flasher here

  Serial.printf("\nSmartConfig received.\n Waiting for WiFi\n\n");

  delay(2000 );

  while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )    // check till connected




  IP_info();  // connected lets see IP info

  preferences.begin("wifi", false);      // put it in storage

  preferences.putString( "ssid"        , getSsid);

  preferences.putString( "password", getPass);



}  // END SmartConfig()

void IP_info()


  getSsid = WiFi.SSID();

  getPass = WiFi.psk();

  rssi = getRSSI(  rssiSSID );

  WFstatus = getWifiStatus( WFstatus );

  MAC = getMacAddress();

  Serial.printf( "\n\n\tSSID\t%s, ", getSsid.c_str() );

  Serial.print( rssi);  Serial.printf(" dBm\n" );  // printf??

  Serial.printf( "\tPass:\t %s\n", getPass.c_str() );

  Serial.print( "\n\n\tIP address:\t" );  Serial.print(WiFi.localIP() );

  Serial.print( " / " );

  Serial.println( WiFi.subnetMask() );

  Serial.print( "\tGateway IP:\t" );  Serial.println( WiFi.gatewayIP() );

  Serial.print( "\t1st DNS:\t" );    Serial.println( WiFi.dnsIP() );

  Serial.printf( "\tMAC:\t\t%s\n", MAC.c_str() );


int getWifiStatus( int WiFiStatus  )


  WiFiStatus = WiFi.status();

  Serial.printf("\tStatus %d",  WiFiStatus );

  switch ( WiFiStatus )


    case WL_IDLE_STATUS :                        // WL_IDLE_STATUS    = 0,

      Serial.printf(", WiFi IDLE \n");


    case WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL:                        // WL_NO_SSID_AVAIL  = 1,

      Serial.printf(", NO SSID AVAIL \n");


    case WL_SCAN_COMPLETED:                      // WL_SCAN_COMPLETED  = 2,

      Serial.printf(", WiFi SCAN_COMPLETED \n");


    case WL_CONNECTED:                            // WL_CONNECTED      = 3,

      Serial.printf(", WiFi CONNECTED \n");


    case WL_CONNECT_FAILED:                      // WL_CONNECT_FAILED  = 4,

      Serial.printf(", WiFi WL_CONNECT FAILED\n");


    case WL_CONNECTION_LOST:                      // WL_CONNECTION_LOST = 5,

      Serial.printf(", WiFi CONNECTION LOST\n");

      WiFi.persistent(false);                // don't write FLASH


    case WL_DISCONNECTED:                        // WL_DISCONNECTED    = 6

      Serial.printf(", WiFi DISCONNECTED ==\n");

      WiFi.persistent(false);                // don't write FLASH when reconnecting



  return WiFiStatus;


// END getWifiStatus()

// Get the station interface MAC address.

// @return String MAC

String getMacAddress(void)


  WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);                    // required to read NVR before WiFi.begin()

  uint8_t baseMac[6];

  esp_read_mac( baseMac, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA ); // Get MAC address for WiFi station

  char macStr[18] = { 0 };

  sprintf(macStr, "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", baseMac[0], baseMac[1], baseMac[2], baseMac[3], baseMac[4], baseMac[5]);

  return String(macStr);


// END getMacAddress()

// Return RSSI or 0 if target SSID not found

// const char* SSID = "YOUR_SSID";  // declare in GLOBAL space

// call:  int32_t rssi = getRSSI( SSID );

int32_t getRSSI( const char* target_ssid )


  byte available_networks = WiFi.scanNetworks();

  for (int network = 0; network < available_networks; network++)


    if ( strcmp(  WiFi.SSID( network).c_str(), target_ssid ) == 0)


      return WiFi.RSSI( network );



  return 0;

} //  END  getRSSI()

// Requires; #include <esp_wifi.h>

// Returns String NONE, ssid or pass arcording to request

// ie String var = getSsidPass( "pass" );

String getSsidPass( String s )


  String val = "NONE";  // return "NONE" if wrong key sent


  if ( s.compareTo("SSID") == 0 )


    wifi_config_t conf;

    esp_wifi_get_config( WIFI_IF_STA, &conf );

    val = String( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(conf.sta.ssid) );


  if ( s.compareTo("PASS") == 0 )


    wifi_config_t conf;

    esp_wifi_get_config( WIFI_IF_STA, &conf );

    val = String( reinterpret_cast<const char*>(conf.sta.password) );


  return val;



