New 复盘日志

2018-10-26  本文已影响0人  旅233王钰璇

1.The concept I've  learnt:  It  is important for students who want to get academic excellence to improve a habit of handing in neat work.

2.Favorite words: clarify (正式)澄清  demonstrate 论证 表现  concisely 简要地

3.Favorite sentence: Questions are useful not only for starting a conversation ,but also for keeping the conversation going .

4.The problem is I can't comprehend sentence quickly and just master partly content.

5.still practice more

6.Through studying this week ,I think I should be  more  consistent on reciting words.

7.I am  going to develop a habit of practicing learning skill at nine every night.


New 复盘日志

Even if I never do electronic edition of academic homework, I still finish It on my own.

Eat less spicy food and keep healthy

New 复盘日志 New 复盘日志 New 复盘日志

