
2021-09-02  本文已影响0人  为了_理想
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 mounted() {
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            initData() {
                var attrList = this.attrList
                var supplyList = this.supplyList
                var list = this.list.list
                var fraction = []
                var typeList = []
                list.forEach((item) => {
                    item.isNote_c = false
                var attrRender = attrList.filter((item, index) => {
                    if (item.field == 'weights' && item.title == '分数段') {
                    if (item.field == 'type' && item.title == '类别') {
                    return item.field !== 'weights' && item.title !== '分数段' && item.field !== 'type' && item.title !== '类别'
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                this.fractionArray = fraction
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                this.attrListArray = attrRender
                this.supplyArrayList = supplyList

            getData() {
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                let url = '/Sanhuo/index'
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                    } else {
                        if (!that.notData && that.is_next) {
                            that.listArray = that.listArray.concat(res.data.list)
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