20200425The Economist April - Fi
Haven’t read the economist for a month, thanks to the dissertation…. It seems that the typical writing style of the Economist is: begin with a hook, together with a term; then explain this term, with the original meaning and extended meaning; then explain the reasons for the phenomenon shown at the very beginning (first a summary then an expansion), with data and/or citation from experts or authoratatives, ways to make the article reliable; finally the author's clear argument, seen from the title also.
Also, the words and expressions used in the Economist are quite accurate indeed. "lodestar for officials up and down the country"简直出画面感。
glisten 闪光,闪亮
drum up business 招徕生意
giveaways 赠品;表明真相的事物
protracted war 持久战(paraphrase-a long, grinding battle)
hodgepodge 大杂烩
bail-outs 紧急财政援助
earmark 指定……的用途 earmark a sum of money for research
fanfare 大张旗鼓
prop up the tenants 扶持
financial fallout 后果
peak-to-trough drop 峰谷回落?
customary largesse 一贯的大手笔
rein in leverage 控制杠杆
snuff out financial risks 防金融风险于未然
see one's progress undone 目睹前功尽弃
an all-out push to revive growth 推动全面经济复苏