
2017-10-14  本文已影响0人  李彪_哈工大


两种粗糙表面流动的过度 简单划分示意图


Sketch of the urban boundary layer structure indicating the various (sub)layers and their names (from Rotach et al., 2004a; modified after Oke, 1987).
H.j.s. Fernando. Fluid Dynamics of Urban Atmospheres in Complex Terrain[J]. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 2010

z0 粗糙长度

Bulk Richardson number (BRN)详见此处

The Bulk Richardson Number (BRN) is an approximation of the Gradient Richardson number, which formed by approximating local gradients by finite difference across layers.

The BRN is a dimensionless ratio in meteorology related to the consumption of turbulence divided by the shear production (the generation of turbulence kinetic energy caused by wind shear) of turbulence. It is used to show dynamic stability and the formation of turbulence.

Bulk Richardson number

