0x00 TL;DR
是google开源的代码模版化工具, 扩展了JSON
可以通过编写jsonnet脚本, 生成json/yaml的等配置文件, 应用场景: 生成k8s部署文件等.
本文通过记录官方指引的方式, 来学习jsonnet
0x01 jsonnet 语法
- 首先, 一个合法的json文档,也是一个有效的jsonnet程序
- jsonnet 中的变量(field) 不用引号
- 数组里最后一个对象的后面, 要多加一个 逗号
- 单引号, 双引号, 作用一样都表示字符串, 但是 双引号中的 单引号 可以不用转义.
- |||块 可以表达多行字符串
- @'foo', @"foo", 带@号的字符串, 只能表示单行字符串.
- 可以使用
/* A C-style comment. */
# A Python-style comment.
cocktails: {
// Ingredient quantities are in fl oz.
"Tom C'ollins": {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Farmer's Gin", qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Lemon', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: 'Soda', qty: 2 },
{ kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
served: 'Tall',
description: |||
The Tom Collins is essentially gin and
lemonade. The bitters add complexity.
Manhattan: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Rye', qty: 2.5 },
{ kind: 'Sweet Red Vermouth', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
served: 'Straight Up',
description: @'A clear \ red drink.',
0x02 变量
- 使用
关键字声明一个变量 - 如果变量定义后面有其他字段, 则需要在声明后面加
, 否则加分号
// A regular definition.
local house_rum = 'Banks Rum';
// A definition next to fields.
local pour = 1.5,
Daiquiri: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: house_rum, qty: pour },
{ kind: 'Lime', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
served: 'Straight Up',
Mojito: {
ingredients: [
kind: 'Mint',
action: 'muddle',
qty: 6,
unit: 'leaves',
{ kind: house_rum, qty: pour },
{ kind: 'Lime', qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: 'Soda', qty: 3 },
garnish: 'Lime wedge',
served: 'Over crushed ice',
0x03 使用变量
指向当前对象 -
指向最外层对象 -
查找一个字段 -
查找一个对象下面的指定字段 -
查找一个数组对象元素 - 允许任意长路径, 即: 可以 a.b.c 一直往下取
- 数组切片 , arr[10:20:2], 同 python
- 字符串支持
'Tom Collins': {
ingredients: [
{ kind: "Farmer's Gin", qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Lemon', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
{ kind: 'Soda', qty: 2 },
{ kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
served: 'Tall',
Martini: {
ingredients: [
// Use the same gin as the Tom Collins.
$['Tom Collins'].ingredients[0].kind,
qty: 2,
{ kind: 'Dry White Vermouth', qty: 1 },
garnish: 'Olive',
served: 'Straight Up',
// Create an alias.
'Gin Martini': self.Martini,
0x04 计算表达式
- 支持浮点运算,位运算,逻辑运算
- 和字符串进行
运算时, 会对其他非字符串对象进行隐式转换 - 字符串支持比较大小
- 对象支持
运算 - 支持
方法来判断一个对象是否包含字段 -
判断 两个对象所有字段都相等 - 支持
haha: 'a' in self,
test2: '姓名:%s ,身高:%.2f米' % ['James', 2.35],
concat_array: [1, 2, 3] + [4],
concat_string: '123' + 4,
equality1: 1 == '1',
equality2: [{}, { x: 3 - 1 }]
== [{}, { x: 2 }],
ex1: 1 + 2 * 3 / (4 + 5),
// Bitwise operations first cast to int.
ex2: self.ex1 | 3,
// Modulo operator.
ex3: self.ex1 % 2,
// Boolean logic
ex4: (4 > 3) && (1 <= 3) || false,
// Mixing objects together
obj: { a: 1, b: 2 } + { b: 3, c: 4 },
// Test if a field is in an object
obj_member: 'foo' in { foo: 1 },
// String formatting
str1: 'The value of self.ex2 is '
+ self.ex2 + '.',
str2: 'The value of self.ex2 is %g.'
% self.ex2,
str3: 'ex1=%0.2f, ex2=%0.2f'
% [self.ex1, self.ex2],
// By passing self, we allow ex1 and ex2 to
// be extracted internally.
str4: 'ex1=%(ex1)0.2f, ex2=%(ex2)0.2f'
% self,
// Do textual templating of entire files:
str5: |||
||| % self,
0x05 方法
和python一样, 方法参数可以省略,支持默认值, 还有闭包.
// Define a local function.
// Default arguments are like Python:
local my_function(x, y=10) = x + y;
// Define a local multiline function.
local multiline_function(x) =
// One can nest locals.
local temp = x * 2;
// Every local ends with a semi-colon.
[temp, temp + 1];
local object = {
// A method
my_method(x): x * x,
// Functions are first class citizens.
(function(x) x * x)(5),
call_multiline_function: multiline_function(4),
// Using the variable fetches the function,
// the parens call the function.
call: my_function(2),
// Like python, parameters can be named at
// call time.
named_params: my_function(x=2),
// This allows changing their order
named_params2: my_function(y=3, x=2),
// object.my_method returns the function,
// which is then called like any other.
call_method1: object.my_method(3),
std.join(' ', std.split('foo/bar', '/')),
len: [
std.length([1, 2, 3]),
0x06 条件计算
if a then b else c
不写else的话, 返回 null
local Mojito(virgin=false, large=false) = {
// A local next to fields ends with ','.
local factor = if large then 2 else 1,
// The ingredients are split into 3 arrays,
// the middle one is either length 1 or 0.
ingredients: [
kind: 'Mint',
action: 'muddle',
qty: 6 * factor,
unit: 'leaves',
] + (
if virgin then [] else [
{ kind: 'Banks', qty: 1.5 * factor },
) + [
{ kind: 'Lime', qty: 0.5 * factor },
{ kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 * factor },
{ kind: 'Soda', qty: 3 * factor },
// Returns null if not large.
garnish: if large then 'Lime wedge',
served: 'Over crushed ice',
Mojito: Mojito(),
'Virgin Mojito': Mojito(virgin=true),
'Large Mojito': Mojito(large=true),
0x07 计算属性
Jsonnet objects can be used like a std::map or similar datastructures from regular languages.
- Recall that a field lookup can be computed with obj[e]
- The definition equivalent is {[e]: ... }
- self or object locals cannot be accessed when field names are being computed, since the object is not yet constructed.
- If a field name evaluates to null during object construction, the field is omitted. This works nicely with the default false branch of a conditional (see below).
local Margarita(salted) = {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Tequila Blanco', qty: 2 },
{ kind: 'Lime', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Cointreau', qty: 1 },
[if salted then 'garnish']: 'Salt',
Margarita: Margarita(true),
'Margarita Unsalted': Margarita(false),
0x08 数组对象表达式
在运行期, 给数组/对象添加元素/字段时, 可以使用 for in, 或 if 语法.
local arr = std.range(5, 8);
array_comprehensions: {
higher: [x + 3 for x in arr],
lower: [x - 3 for x in arr],
evens: [x for x in arr if x % 2 == 0],
odds: [x for x in arr if x % 2 == 1],
evens_and_odds: [
'%d-%d' % [x, y]
for x in arr
if x % 2 == 0
for y in arr
if y % 2 == 1
object_comprehensions: {
evens: {
['f' + x]: true
for x in arr
if x % 2 == 0
// Use object composition (+) to add in
// static fields:
mixture: {
f: 1,
g: 2,
} + {
[x]: 0
for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']
0x09 引用
可以从其他文件引用代码 或 原始数据
效果就是 复制被引用的代码 - 被引用的文件后缀应该是:
- 原始的
也可以被引用 - 可以使用
引用 UTF-8 文本
local martinis = import 'martinis.libsonnet';
'Vodka Martini': martinis['Vodka Martini'],
Manhattan: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Rye', qty: 2.5 },
{ kind: 'Sweet Red Vermouth', qty: 1 },
{ kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
garnish: importstr 'garnish.txt',
served: 'Straight Up',
- utils.libsonnet
equal_parts(size, ingredients)::
// Define a function-scoped variable.
local qty = size / std.length(ingredients);
// Return an array.
{ kind: i, qty: qty }
for i in ingredients
- negroni.jsonnet
local utils = import 'utils.libsonnet';
Negroni: {
// Divide 3oz among the 3 ingredients.
ingredients: utils.equal_parts(3, [
'Farmers Gin',
'Sweet Red Vermouth',
garnish: 'Orange Peel',
served: 'On The Rocks',
0x10 异常
Errors can arise from the language itself (e.g. an array overrun) or thrown from Jsonnet code. Stack traces provide context for the error.
- To raise an error:
error "foo"
- To assert a condition before an expression:
assert "foo";
- A custom failure message:
assert "foo" : "message";
- Assert fields have a property:
assert self.f == 10,
- With custom failure message:
assert "foo" : "message",
Try modifying the code below to trigger the assertion failures, and observe the error messages and stack traces that result.
You might wonder why the divide-by-zero is not triggered in the equal_parts function, since that code occurs before the std.length()
check. Jsonnet is a lazy language, so variable initializers are not evaluated until the variable is used. Evaluation order is very hard to notice. It only becomes relevant when code throws errors, or takes a long time to execute. For more discussion of laziness, see design rationale.
0x11 全局参数配置
有两种方法可用于 全局参数配置
- 外部变量
- 顶层编码
- 传入变量:
jsonnet --ext-str prefix="Happy Hour " --ext-code brunch=true ...
- 代码中读取变量:
local lib = import 'library-ext.libsonnet';
[std.extVar('prefix') + 'Pina Colada']: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Rum', qty: 3 },
{ kind: 'Pineapple Juice', qty: 6 },
{ kind: 'Coconut Cream', qty: 2 },
{ kind: 'Ice', qty: 12 },
garnish: 'Pineapple slice',
served: 'Frozen',
[if std.extVar('brunch') then
std.extVar('prefix') + 'Bloody Mary'
]: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Vodka', qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Tomato Juice', qty: 3 },
{ kind: 'Lemon Juice', qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Worcestershire', qty: 0.25 },
{ kind: 'Tobasco Sauce', qty: 0.15 },
garnish: 'Celery salt & pepper',
served: 'Tall',
[std.extVar('prefix') + 'Mimosa']:
- 应该能被各个子模块引用
- 应该提供默认值
- 应该以库的方式提供出来
// Note that the Mimosa is now
// parameterized.
Mimosa(brunch): {
local fizz = if brunch then
'Cheap Sparkling Wine'
ingredients: [
{ kind: fizz, qty: 3 },
{ kind: 'Orange Juice', qty: 3 },
garnish: 'Orange Slice',
served: 'Champagne Flute',
local lib = import 'library-tla.libsonnet';
// Here is the top-level function, note brunch
// now has a default value.
function(prefix, brunch=false) {
[prefix + 'Pina Colada']: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Rum', qty: 3 },
{ kind: 'Pineapple Juice', qty: 6 },
{ kind: 'Coconut Cream', qty: 2 },
{ kind: 'Ice', qty: 12 },
garnish: 'Pineapple slice',
served: 'Frozen',
[if brunch then prefix + 'Bloody Mary']: {
ingredients: [
{ kind: 'Vodka', qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Tomato Juice', qty: 3 },
{ kind: 'Lemon Juice', qty: 1.5 },
{ kind: 'Worcestershire', qty: 0.25 },
{ kind: 'Tobasco Sauce', qty: 0.15 },
garnish: 'Celery salt & pepper',
served: 'Tall',
[prefix + 'Mimosa']: lib.Mimosa(brunch),
0x12 面向对象
- 所有对象继承自 JSON
- 对象都可以用
符号合并, 如果有字段冲突, 以右边的对象字段为准 -
- 隐藏字段使用
作前缀, 就不会输出到json/yaml了. - 支持
关键字,用于访问父类字段 - 使用
local Base = {
f: 2,
g: self.f + 100,
local WrapperBase = {
Base: Base,
Derived: Base + {
f: 5,
old_f: super.f,
old_g: super.g,
WrapperDerived: WrapperBase + {
Base+: { f: 5 },