2022-07-13  本文已影响0人  国服最坑开发

0x00 TL;DR

jsonnet 是个啥?

jsonnet是google开源的代码模版化工具, 扩展了JSON,支持OO.
可以通过编写jsonnet脚本, 生成json/yaml的等配置文件, 应用场景: 生成k8s部署文件等.

本文通过记录官方指引的方式, 来学习jsonnet的一般用法.

0x01 jsonnet 语法

/* A C-style comment. */
# A Python-style comment.
  cocktails: {
    // Ingredient quantities are in fl oz.
    "Tom C'ollins": {
      ingredients: [
        { kind: "Farmer's Gin", qty: 1.5 },
        { kind: 'Lemon', qty: 1 },
        { kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
        { kind: 'Soda', qty: 2 },
        { kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
      garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
      served: 'Tall',
      description: |||
        The Tom Collins is essentially gin and
        lemonade.  The bitters add complexity.
    Manhattan: {
      ingredients: [
        { kind: 'Rye', qty: 2.5 },
        { kind: 'Sweet Red Vermouth', qty: 1 },
        { kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
      garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
      served: 'Straight Up',
      description: @'A clear \ red drink.',

0x02 变量

// A regular definition.
local house_rum = 'Banks Rum';

  // A definition next to fields.
  local pour = 1.5,

  Daiquiri: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: house_rum, qty: pour },
      { kind: 'Lime', qty: 1 },
      { kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
    served: 'Straight Up',
  Mojito: {
    ingredients: [
        kind: 'Mint',
        action: 'muddle',
        qty: 6,
        unit: 'leaves',
      { kind: house_rum, qty: pour },
      { kind: 'Lime', qty: 0.5 },
      { kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
      { kind: 'Soda', qty: 3 },
    garnish: 'Lime wedge',
    served: 'Over crushed ice',

0x03 使用变量

  'Tom Collins': {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: "Farmer's Gin", qty: 1.5 },
      { kind: 'Lemon', qty: 1 },
      { kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 },
      { kind: 'Soda', qty: 2 },
      { kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
    garnish: 'Maraschino Cherry',
    served: 'Tall',
  Martini: {
    ingredients: [
        // Use the same gin as the Tom Collins.
          $['Tom Collins'].ingredients[0].kind,
        qty: 2,
      { kind: 'Dry White Vermouth', qty: 1 },
    garnish: 'Olive',
    served: 'Straight Up',
  // Create an alias.
  'Gin Martini': self.Martini,

0x04 计算表达式

  haha: 'a' in self,
  test2: '姓名:%s ,身高:%.2f米' % ['James', 2.35],
  concat_array: [1, 2, 3] + [4],
  concat_string: '123' + 4,
  equality1: 1 == '1',
  equality2: [{}, { x: 3 - 1 }]
             == [{}, { x: 2 }],
  ex1: 1 + 2 * 3 / (4 + 5),
  // Bitwise operations first cast to int.
  ex2: self.ex1 | 3,
  // Modulo operator.
  ex3: self.ex1 % 2,
  // Boolean logic
  ex4: (4 > 3) && (1 <= 3) || false,
  // Mixing objects together
  obj: { a: 1, b: 2 } + { b: 3, c: 4 },
  // Test if a field is in an object
  obj_member: 'foo' in { foo: 1 },
  // String formatting
  str1: 'The value of self.ex2 is '
        + self.ex2 + '.',
  str2: 'The value of self.ex2 is %g.'
        % self.ex2,
  str3: 'ex1=%0.2f, ex2=%0.2f'
        % [self.ex1, self.ex2],
  // By passing self, we allow ex1 and ex2 to
  // be extracted internally.
  str4: 'ex1=%(ex1)0.2f, ex2=%(ex2)0.2f'
        % self,
  // Do textual templating of entire files:
  str5: |||
  ||| % self,

0x05 方法

和python一样, 方法参数可以省略,支持默认值, 还有闭包.

// Define a local function.
// Default arguments are like Python:
local my_function(x, y=10) = x + y;

// Define a local multiline function.
local multiline_function(x) =
  // One can nest locals.
  local temp = x * 2;
  // Every local ends with a semi-colon.
  [temp, temp + 1];

local object = {
  // A method
  my_method(x): x * x,

  // Functions are first class citizens.
    (function(x) x * x)(5),

  call_multiline_function: multiline_function(4),

  // Using the variable fetches the function,
  // the parens call the function.
  call: my_function(2),

  // Like python, parameters can be named at
  // call time.
  named_params: my_function(x=2),
  // This allows changing their order
  named_params2: my_function(y=3, x=2),

  // object.my_method returns the function,
  // which is then called like any other.
  call_method1: object.my_method(3),

    std.join(' ', std.split('foo/bar', '/')),
  len: [
    std.length([1, 2, 3]),

0x06 条件计算

if a then b else c
不写else的话, 返回 null

local Mojito(virgin=false, large=false) = {
  // A local next to fields ends with ','.
  local factor = if large then 2 else 1,
  // The ingredients are split into 3 arrays,
  // the middle one is either length 1 or 0.
  ingredients: [
      kind: 'Mint',
      action: 'muddle',
      qty: 6 * factor,
      unit: 'leaves',
  ] + (
    if virgin then [] else [
      { kind: 'Banks', qty: 1.5 * factor },
  ) + [
    { kind: 'Lime', qty: 0.5 * factor },
    { kind: 'Simple Syrup', qty: 0.5 * factor },
    { kind: 'Soda', qty: 3 * factor },
  // Returns null if not large.
  garnish: if large then 'Lime wedge',
  served: 'Over crushed ice',

  Mojito: Mojito(),
  'Virgin Mojito': Mojito(virgin=true),
  'Large Mojito': Mojito(large=true),

0x07 计算属性

Jsonnet objects can be used like a std::map or similar datastructures from regular languages.

local Margarita(salted) = {
  ingredients: [
    { kind: 'Tequila Blanco', qty: 2 },
    { kind: 'Lime', qty: 1 },
    { kind: 'Cointreau', qty: 1 },
  [if salted then 'garnish']: 'Salt',
  Margarita: Margarita(true),
  'Margarita Unsalted': Margarita(false),


0x08 数组对象表达式

在运行期, 给数组/对象添加元素/字段时, 可以使用 for in, 或 if 语法.

local arr = std.range(5, 8);
  array_comprehensions: {
    higher: [x + 3 for x in arr],
    lower: [x - 3 for x in arr],
    evens: [x for x in arr if x % 2 == 0],
    odds: [x for x in arr if x % 2 == 1],
    evens_and_odds: [
      '%d-%d' % [x, y]
      for x in arr
      if x % 2 == 0
      for y in arr
      if y % 2 == 1
  object_comprehensions: {
    evens: {
      ['f' + x]: true
      for x in arr
      if x % 2 == 0
    // Use object composition (+) to add in
    // static fields:
    mixture: {
      f: 1,
      g: 2,
    } + {
      [x]: 0
      for x in ['a', 'b', 'c']

0x09 引用

可以从其他文件引用代码 或 原始数据

local martinis = import 'martinis.libsonnet';

  'Vodka Martini': martinis['Vodka Martini'],
  Manhattan: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: 'Rye', qty: 2.5 },
      { kind: 'Sweet Red Vermouth', qty: 1 },
      { kind: 'Angostura', qty: 'dash' },
    garnish: importstr 'garnish.txt',
    served: 'Straight Up',


  equal_parts(size, ingredients)::
    // Define a function-scoped variable.
    local qty = size / std.length(ingredients);
    // Return an array.
      { kind: i, qty: qty }
      for i in ingredients
local utils = import 'utils.libsonnet';
  Negroni: {
    // Divide 3oz among the 3 ingredients.
    ingredients: utils.equal_parts(3, [
      'Farmers Gin',
      'Sweet Red Vermouth',
    garnish: 'Orange Peel',
    served: 'On The Rocks',

0x10 异常

Errors can arise from the language itself (e.g. an array overrun) or thrown from Jsonnet code. Stack traces provide context for the error.

Try modifying the code below to trigger the assertion failures, and observe the error messages and stack traces that result.

You might wonder why the divide-by-zero is not triggered in the equal_parts function, since that code occurs before the std.length() check. Jsonnet is a lazy language, so variable initializers are not evaluated until the variable is used. Evaluation order is very hard to notice. It only becomes relevant when code throws errors, or takes a long time to execute. For more discussion of laziness, see design rationale.

0x11 全局参数配置

有两种方法可用于 全局参数配置


jsonnet --ext-str prefix="Happy Hour "   --ext-code brunch=true ...
local lib = import 'library-ext.libsonnet';
  [std.extVar('prefix') + 'Pina Colada']: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: 'Rum', qty: 3 },
      { kind: 'Pineapple Juice', qty: 6 },
      { kind: 'Coconut Cream', qty: 2 },
      { kind: 'Ice', qty: 12 },
    garnish: 'Pineapple slice',
    served: 'Frozen',

  [if std.extVar('brunch') then
    std.extVar('prefix') + 'Bloody Mary'
  ]: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: 'Vodka', qty: 1.5 },
      { kind: 'Tomato Juice', qty: 3 },
      { kind: 'Lemon Juice', qty: 1.5 },
      { kind: 'Worcestershire', qty: 0.25 },
      { kind: 'Tobasco Sauce', qty: 0.15 },
    garnish: 'Celery salt & pepper',
    served: 'Tall',

  [std.extVar('prefix') + 'Mimosa']:


  // Note that the Mimosa is now
  // parameterized.
  Mimosa(brunch): {
    local fizz = if brunch then
      'Cheap Sparkling Wine'
    ingredients: [
      { kind: fizz, qty: 3 },
      { kind: 'Orange Juice', qty: 3 },
    garnish: 'Orange Slice',
    served: 'Champagne Flute',


local lib = import 'library-tla.libsonnet';

// Here is the top-level function, note brunch
// now has a default value.
function(prefix, brunch=false) {

  [prefix + 'Pina Colada']: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: 'Rum', qty: 3 },
      { kind: 'Pineapple Juice', qty: 6 },
      { kind: 'Coconut Cream', qty: 2 },
      { kind: 'Ice', qty: 12 },
    garnish: 'Pineapple slice',
    served: 'Frozen',

  [if brunch then prefix + 'Bloody Mary']: {
    ingredients: [
      { kind: 'Vodka', qty: 1.5 },
      { kind: 'Tomato Juice', qty: 3 },
      { kind: 'Lemon Juice', qty: 1.5 },
      { kind: 'Worcestershire', qty: 0.25 },
      { kind: 'Tobasco Sauce', qty: 0.15 },
    garnish: 'Celery salt & pepper',
    served: 'Tall',

  [prefix + 'Mimosa']: lib.Mimosa(brunch),

0x12 面向对象



local Base = {
  f: 2,
  g: self.f + 100,

local WrapperBase = {
  Base: Base,

  Derived: Base + {
    f: 5,
    old_f: super.f,
    old_g: super.g,
  WrapperDerived: WrapperBase + {
    Base+: { f: 5 },
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