2022-09-22 Limiting beliefs
If you want to change your life, examine your environment.
What is bugging you? What do you think blocks your way to a successful career, relationship, and finances?
Those answers are your limiting beliefs.
To change your beliefs, first, you need to become aware of what they are.
I will never get that job, because I don’t have a college degree.
You have subscribed to a belief that paper makes you valuable. Your core belief is that you are not worthy because external conditions limit you.
But worth does not come from anything external. It comes from how you think about yourself. We know that people without a college degree do become successful. Their qualifications don’t make them successful. Their mindset does.
It is difficult for me to find a partner as I don’t go out much.
You believe that only through going out and partying you can meet people. It is an illusion. We all know that people meet online, bump each other in line at a grocery or meet by mutual friends. Again, your limiting beliefs put conditions on your life. And any conditional life is a suffocating one.
Once you become aware of the beliefs that keep you stuck, you can start telling yourself a different story.
People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.