

2019-04-01  本文已影响3人  青澄青果

节选自 【经济学人】 April, 2019

Thirsty planet


翻译练习: 青澄青果


If water is a proxy for life itself, it is perhaps not surprising that worries about the health and availability of supplies here on Earth can take on apocalyptic overtones. A scorching, arid future marked by a fierce, bloody struggle for a few drops of water is a standard theme of dystopian fiction and film-making. This report will examine how close such nightmares are to reality. It will look at the state of the world's freshwater and at the increasing demands on it, and consider the ways they can be met.




*dystopian --反乌托邦的


This report will argue that misuse of water may indeed lead to a series of catastrophes. But the means to dodge them are already known, and new technologies are constantly evolving to help. The fundamental problems are neither the resource itself, since water is likely to remain abundant enough even for a more populous Earth, nor technical. They are managerial, or, more precisely, how to withstand economic, cultural and political pressures to mismanage water.



Even governments not facing the vexatious business of winning over voters struggle to institute sensible water policies. People regard access to water as a fundamental human right and hence as something that should be available on the basis of need, rather than the ability or willingness to pay. That makes it hard to charge a proper price for it, which in turn encourages profligate use.


*vexatious-causing or tending to cause annoyance; annoying, vexing, irritating, displeasing, maddening, harassing.

*institute-introduce or establish (a scheme, undertaking, policy)

*profligate-recklessly extravagant or wasteful int he use of resources

The present-day world provides ample examples of environmental devastation that serve as a warning that water usage has it natural limits. Meanwhile, global water use is six times greater than it was a century ago. The volume of water used is already near the maximum that can be sustained without supplies shrinking dangerously.


The biggest uncertainty in projecting future demand lies in estimating how much will be needed for agriculture. Still less predictable is the impact of climate change. Wet places will become wetter and dry places drier. The world's water endowment is already highly unequal. The most dramatic short-term effects have been the increasing number of extreme weather events. In the long run, however, the bigger problem from climate change will not be too much water but too little.


Decreasing streamflow is a worldwide phenomenon. Some of it results from declining rainfall. But much is the direct result of human intervention-the damming and diversion of rivers for flood control, water-storage and irrigation.


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