[Economist] 新时代的恋爱(下)

2018-09-16  本文已影响59人  Prongs

The domination of online dating by a handful of firms and their algorithms is another source of worry. Dating apps do not benefit from exactly the same sort of network effects as other tech platforms: a person’s friends do not need to be on a specific dating site, for example. But the feedback loop between large pools of data, generated by ever-growing numbers of users attracted to an ever-improving product, still exists. The entry into the market of Facebook, armed with data from its 2.2bn users, will provide clues as to whether online dating will inexorably consolidate into fewer, larger platforms.

支撑着网恋存在的背后大公司以及其算法则是这种担心的另一个方面。约会软件并不像其他科技平台上出现的网络现象那样拥有类似的盈利方式,比如某人的朋友并不一定会出现在某个特定的约会网站上。但是由于使用不断增长的约会软件背后的同样不断增长的人群,以及由此产生的不同大数据池之间的环状反馈仍然存在。随着拥有 22 亿用户的脸书公司进入网恋市场,会帮助我们认知网恋软件是否会不可避免的掌握在几个大型的平台手中。

While you were swiping

But even if the market does not become ever more concentrated, the process of coupling (or not) has unquestionably become more centralised. Romance used to be a distributed activity which took place in a profusion of bars, clubs, churches and offices; now enormous numbers of people rely on a few companies to meet their mate. That hands a small number of coders, tweaking the algorithms that determine who sees whom across the virtual bar, tremendous power to engineer mating outcomes. In authoritarian societies especially, the prospect of algorithmically arranged marriages ought to cause some disquiet. Competition offers some protection against such a possibility; so too might greater transparency over the principles used by dating apps to match people up.


Yet such concerns should not obscure the good that comes from the modern way of romance. The right partners can elevate and nourish each other. The wrong ones can ruin both their lives. Digital dating offers millions of people a more efficient way to find a good mate. That is something to love.


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