
2023-12-30  本文已影响0人  皮卡弟弟

1.Giving no fuck (不管闲事)

2.Wasting no time(时间管理)

3.Avoid short-term set backs, focus on long-term(短期挫折无足挂齿,把握大方向,看长远)

4.If you don't have a goal, then just dress better, eat better, play better(如果人生没有目标,那就吃更好一点,玩更好一点,穿更好一点)

5.Never argue, only execute (不解释,不狡辩,直接行动,一切任人评说)

6.Always prepare to lose before you want something(索要之前先付出)

7.You are insignificant(自己永远是微不足道的)

8.Money is important, but money is not omnipotent(钱很重要,但钱不是万能的)

9.Not everyone is smart, but everyone can be wise(不是每个人都那么聪明,但每个人都可以拥有足够智慧)

10.Make a progress in your life, nothing matters more (无论如何都要做些东西出来,你就会发现人生很有意义)

11.Life can be lonely but fatanstic, it is very normal and it's 100% fine (人生可以既孤独又精彩,其实非常OK)

12.the easiest way to change your life is a change you make on your own(改变生活最快的办法,就是你自己做点小改变)

13.all negative thoughts you have is because of you don't know the answer or your don't have the courage (所有负面的情绪来自于两个思维根源问题,不理解,与不敢面对)

14.其实每个人的人生只有一条路,那就是成长(everyone can only have 1 goal in their life, that is to grow)

15.sometimes we lose, sometimes we win, let it happen, don't wish specifically what to happen, it might drive you crazy(胜败都常在,别随意意淫,你会很累)

16.give yourself some small treats, small rewards, cuz you fucking deserve it!(给自己一些小奖励,因为活着太TM累了,对自己好多一点)

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