
托福必备词汇(2020版)-每日15词 2020-04-28

2020-04-28  本文已影响0人  文心武士

Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars.

  1. Preliminary results confirmed the scientist's prediction.
  2. The defendant attempted to suborn one of the witnesses.
  3. He pondered for some minutes before giving an answer.
  4. She wasn't interested in the lecture and had been doodling on her textbooks.
  5. He needs to deal with his trauma of marriage breakdown.
  6. In preliterate times, people mainly kept records by drawing or tying knots.
  7. The local council has passed a new law to control smoking.
  8. The modern English alphabet has 26 letters.
  9. That economist posited that there would be no economic crisis in the next decade.
  10. She studies the contours of her own body.
  11. The area is under threat from the sheer number of tourists using it.
  12. Such arguments are not easily countered.
  13. The children all have very different personalities.
  14. Through a labyrinth of corridors he found the room.
  15. Scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.
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