The neXt generation of single ce

2024-05-17  本文已影响0人  单细胞空间交响乐

作者,Evil Genius











10X新的先进的GEM-X技术为扩展创新和应用支持提供了坚实的基础,迎来了下一代单细胞技术。随着试剂和微流控芯片架构的优化,单细胞基因表达(3 ')和单细胞免疫分析(5 ')解决方案现在更敏感,更强大,并提供更高的通量,从而在生物学的各个方面提供更强大的见解。


How does 10x Genomics scRNA-seq work?

由Next GEM技术驱动的单细胞基因表达和单细胞免疫分析检测的基础化学原理在GEM-X检测中保持不变——它与哈佛大学研究人员于2015年发表的基础Drop-seq方法有关。


A schematic overview of GEM generation and barcoding with the GEM-X chip workflow. GEMs are generated by combining barcoded Gel Beads, a master mix containing cells, and partitioning oil in a GEM-X 3' or 5’ Chip. To achieve single cell resolution, cells are delivered at a limiting dilution, such that the majority (~90–99%) of generated GEMs contain no cell, while the remainder largely contain a single cell

但是这些透明的液体并不完全相同。该混合物由带有裂解缓冲液的细胞悬浊液,涂有少核苷酸的凝胶珠组成,其中包括一个10X条形码,标记每个RNA分子的起源细胞和一个独特的分子标识符(UMI),为每个转录物提供一个独特的fingerprint,一个用于捕获3 '或5 '端mRNA的poly(dT)序列,以及用于下游下一代测序的adapter sequences。

Schematic diagram of a GEM-X Single Cell 3’ Gel Bead. Every Gel Bead is coated with oligos containing an Illumina TruSeq Read 1 (read 1 sequencing primer, Read 1T), 16 nt 10x Barcode, 12 nt unique molecular identifier (UMI), and 30 nt poly(dT)VN.

一旦芯片被放置在Chromium X系列仪器中,细胞就会以有限的稀释度通过微流体来产生GEMs,这些GEMs看起来像纳米大小的Gel Bead,每个Gel Bead包含一个细胞。细胞被裂解,凝胶珠溶解。释放的RNA的3 '端与包裹凝胶珠的poly-dT序列结合。引物RNA逆转录,形成互补DNA (cDNA)。

来自单个细胞的所有cDNA,源自单个Gel Bead,将具有相同的10X条形码,能够将每个转录本映射回其起源细胞。然而,单个凝胶珠上的单个寡核苷酸具有不同的UMIs,这使得每个cDNA分子具有独特的随机12碱基序列。这允许在下游处理过程中消除任何PCR重复。

然后将条形码cDNA用于制备测序文库,其中包括sequencing adapters的添加和PCR扩增。最后,用NGS对文库进行测序。

单细胞免疫分析试验利用引物靶向mRNA的5 '端,工作原理略有不同。

What are the benefits of conducting scRNA-seq analysis with the proven, instrument-supported Chromium workflow?


无数研究领域的科学家,从神经科学到免疫学再到药物开发,都使用了10X单细胞基因表达(3 ')和单细胞免疫谱(5 ')分析,取得了令人难以置信的发现,超过6500篇发表的研究证明了这一点,其中包括近700篇发表在《自然》、《科学》和《细胞》上的论文。


Improved GEM-X microfluidic chips have high inter- and intra-chip reproducibility. To evaluate reproducibility across multiple channels and chips, a single user loaded a suspension of cryopreserved human PBMCs across all eight channels of a GEM-X chip and proceeded through the remaining workflow steps. This experiment was then repeated each week for a total of three weeks. The aggregated overlay of the data (n= 24 channels, 26,191 cells) is shown on the left with all major immune cell populations identified. Clustering and cell-type populations are highly concordant across chip channels and experimental weeks, underscoring the high inter- and intra-chip reproducibility of our microfluidic technology and assays, further evidenced by high UMI correlation scores achieved across the aggregated data for each of the three weeks of this experiment. Similar results observed with 5’ v3 assay


How does GEM-X improve upon the tried-and-tested Chromium scRNA-seq workflow?

通过GEM-X,通过优化的试剂,改进的微流体和升级的分析软件改进了久经考验的scRNA-seq工作流程的每一步,这些软件由最先进的单细胞仪器-Chromium X系列支持。

重新设计了GEM-X微流控芯片架构,设置,压力,分区大小等,以提高单细胞基因表达(3 ')和单细胞免疫分析(5 ')分析的整体性能,与以前的版本相比,包括最小的堵塞和最大的细胞大小灵活性。这种重新设计改进了单细胞工作流程中的关键步骤,包括GEM生成和细胞划分。

While our Next GEM microfluidic chips require step emulsification—whereby GEMs are generated independently of partitioning oil—GEM-X microfluidic chips utilize the flow of partitioning oil to facilitate GEM formation. Twice as many GEMs are generated at smaller volumes, reducing multiplet rates two-fold and increasing throughput capabilities.

Cell partitioning and GEM generation within a GEM-X microfluidic chip



How can high-performance scRNA-seq, powered by GEM-X, bolster my research?

先进的GEM-X技术为下一代单细胞基因表达(3 ' v4)和单细胞免疫分析(5 ' v3)解决方案提供动力,这不仅是10多年构建微流控芯片和开发行业领先的单细胞检测经验的高潮,也是客户反馈的直接结果。这是一款为客户打造的产品,其目标是能够将研究推向新的高度。

Schematic overview of the GEM-X technology workflow. A typical workflow starts with user-supplied cells or nuclei that are combined with our GEM-X reagents and consumables, enabling partitioning, cell lysis, and barcoding of cellular information. These barcoded transcripts are then amplified and converted into libraries compatible with Illumina or other short-read sequencing platforms. After sequencing, the results are analyzed using the Cell Ranger pipeline and visualized using Loupe Browser

在深入研究数据之前,强调一下GEM- X与Next GEM技术相比的主要优势:

  • Increased sensitivity enabled by a two-fold increase in detected genes and improved capture of rare transcripts, fragile cells, and cells with low RNA content
  • Higher throughput with a two-fold increase in cells captured per channel (up to 20,000 cells per channel)
  • More cost effective with a more than 50% reduction in cost per cell and sample
    Improved sample recovery—up to 80% cell recovery efficiency
  • Enhanced data quality and robustness due, in part, to a halved multiplet rate (0.4% per 1,000 cells) and more efficient GEM generation with no increase in cell stress
  • Faster run times—tens of thousands of cells are partitioned and barcoded in just 6 minutes

Why do improved gene sensitivity and cell recovery matter?

GEM-X technology substantially improves gene and transcript sensitivity. Nuclei were isolated from a section of an adult CD-1 mouse brain using the Chromium Nuclei Isolation Kit and enriched to remove debris. Nuclei were loaded separately onto a Next GEM Chip G (5,000 nuclei) and a GEM-X 3' chip (5,000 nuclei) and were processed on the Chromium X followed by library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis.

scRNA-seq使研究人员能够揭示稀有转录本、细胞状态和细胞群,其他方法,如bulk RNA-seq、流式细胞术和质谱法,无法检测到。有了单细胞分辨率,研究人员可以发现他们以前不知道要寻找的新生物学。


在分析复杂小鼠脑样品细胞核的并排实验中,新技术多检测到98%的基因和249%的细胞转录本。Chromium GEM- X单细胞免疫分析v3也比其Next GEM(v2)更敏感,GEM- X对人外周血单个核细胞(PBMCs)进行并排分析,检测到的基因多61%,转录本多103%。



Chromium GEM-X provides improved cell recovery efficiency. Cell recovery efficiency was assessed with 120 independent single cell runs for Single Cell 3’ and 85 runs for Single Cell 5’. Median cell recovery efficiency for Chromium Gene Expression Single Cell (3') was 75% with GEM-X (v4) compared to 60% with Next GEM (v3.1); and 60% with Single Cell Immune Profiling (5’) with GEM-X (v3) compared to 54% with Next GEM (v2).



GEM-X Single Cell Immune Profiling v3 (5’ v3) allows you to maximize biological insights from clinical samples. Renal cell carcinoma dissociated tumor cells were loaded separately onto a Next GEM Chip K (10,000 cells) and a GEM-X 5' chip (20,000 cells), and then processed on a Chromium X instrument followed by library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis.The aggregated UMAP plot on the left highlights the major cell-type populations in this renal cell carcinoma sample. Clusters were assigned cell identities using key marker genes from a CellxGene CZI reference. GEM-X provides higher sensitivity for genes that matter and may play critical roles in disease, including key markers of renal cell carcinoma (VCAM1, SLA17A3, VEGFA AND VEGFA). GEM-X detects higher signals in these four markers across the majority of cells. Similar percentages and relative proportions of known cellular populations were obtained between Single Cell 5’ v2 and Single Cell 5’ v3.

10x研究人员通过分析人类肾细胞癌样本中分离的肿瘤细胞,证明了Chromium GEM-X单细胞免疫谱(5 ')v3对临床样本的强大分析能力。GEM- X检测肾细胞癌的四种关键标志物的水平均高于Chromium Next GEM单细胞免疫谱(5 ')v2。

How can cost-effective scRNA-seq solutions with higher throughput boost your study’s impact?

Achieve higher cell throughput with fewer multiplets and at lower cost with GEM-X technology. The table on the left shows empirically derived cell loading and multiplet rate comparisons for our Next GEM and GEM-X technologies. GEM-X enables routine processing of up to 20,000 cells per lane, with a 2-fold reduction in the multiplet rate. Experimentally derived multiplet rate data from human HEK293T and mouse NIH/3T3 cells that were mixed (1:1) and profiled using Next GEM and GEM-X assays are shown on the right.

Chromium GEM-X单细胞基因表达(3 ')v4和Chromium GEM-X单细胞免疫分析(5 ')v3检测通过实现更高的通量和更具成本效益的分析,进一步保护宝贵的样品。与Next GEM-powered assay、Chromium GEM-X单细胞基因表达(3 ')v3.1和Chromium GEM-X单细胞免疫谱分析(5 ')v2相比,现在可以运行20,000个细胞,每个细胞的成本下降超过一半,多细胞形成率降低2倍。




这就是为什么10X致力于通过降低每个细胞和样品的成本使单细胞分析更容易获得。由于资源限制,许多人使用单细胞来验证他们的bulk rna测序结果。但有了更高通量、更具成本效益的scRNA-seq,研究人员不必限制他们的研究或他们的科学影响。他们获得了一个大的数据集来挖掘或在未来返回来回答新的问题或推动其他科学研究。

What cells have you been missing? How does GEM-X help you detect fragile, low RNA–content cells?



众所周知,中性粒细胞由于其脆弱的性质、低RNA含量以及中性粒细胞颗粒中可能存在的干扰蛋白酶和核酸酶(这是使所有粒细胞难以捕获的一个因素)而难以捕获,因此很难进行scRNA-seq分析。在10x和其他人已经对现有的scRNA-seq协议和数据分析策略进行了修改,以增加检测到的中性粒细胞的数量。但捕捉这些finicky cells的细胞在技术上仍然具有挑战性。

Chromium GEM-X单细胞基因表达(v4)消除了这一技术挑战,并能够通过标准工作流程有效地捕获中性粒细胞。当10x研究人员比较用Chromium GEM-X单细胞基因表达(v4)和单细胞基因表达(v3.1)对新鲜人白细胞进行scRNA-seq分析时,他们检测到中性粒细胞的比例要大得多。

GEM-X Single Cell Gene Expression v4 (SC3’ v4) improves detection of challenging cell types, including neutrophils. Freshly isolated leukocytes were loaded separately onto a Next GEM Chip G (n= 8 channels for a total of 27,553 cells) and a GEM-X 3' chip (n= 8 channels for a total of 59,295 cells) and were processed on a Chromium X instrument followed by library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis. (Leukocytes were maintained at room temperature post preparation as placing them on ice may result in granulocyte lysis.)The aggregated UMAP plot on the left highlights the major cell-type populations in this fresh human leukocyte sample, including neutrophils (the large purple cluster).

Next GEM(3’v3.1)和GEM- X(3’v4)检测捕获了所有预期的主要细胞类型群,包括几种t细胞群、B细胞和血小板。乍一看,使用GEM-X单细胞基因表达v4测定法进行白细胞分析的数据看起来有些偏差。但这主要是由于检测到的中性粒细胞数量大量增加。

除了中性粒细胞外,两种化学物质捕获的每种主要免疫细胞类型的细胞数量相似。采用Chromium GEM- X单细胞基因表达v4检测法检测到的中性粒细胞数量是Next GEM技术v3.1检测法的近四倍。


How can immune profiling assays benefit from GEM-X performance improvements?

捕获中性粒细胞并不是GEM-X增强免疫学研究的唯一途径,Chromium GEM-X单细胞免疫分析分析的改进将帮助研究人员更好地理解驱动免疫功能的复杂机制。

Substantial increase in pairing rates and library complexity with GEM-X Immune Profiling v3. Human PBMCs were loaded separately onto a Next GEM Chip K (2,000 cells) and a GEM-X 5' chip (2,000 cells) and were processed on a Chromium X instrument followed by library preparation, sequencing, and data analysis. A. Average pairing rate for GEM-X (5' v3) was 94% compared to 84% with Next GEM (5' v2). B. A 200% and 120% increase was observed in TRA and TRB median UMIs, respectively, with GEM-X (5' v3). All samples were run in duplicate.

使用Chromium GEM-X单细胞免疫分析(5 ')v3,该检测的一个关键特征是对配对B细胞或T细胞受体(BCR或TCR)的全长V(D)J序列的免疫细胞库进行全面分析。平均V-J配对率为95%,而10X单细胞免疫图谱(5 ')v2的配对率为84%。研究小组还观察到T细胞受体基因TRA和TRB的检测表达分别增加了200%和120%。



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