
托福必备词汇(2020版)-每日15词 2020-04-20

2020-04-20  本文已影响0人  文心武士

Spring is the time of plans and projects.

  1. An unlikely assortment of celebrities attended the party.
  2. A chant is a word of group of words that is repeated over and over again.
  3. This room has a dual purpose, serving as both a study and a bedroom.
  4. The confront the prisoner with his accusers.
  5. During operant conditioning, the dog was rewarded with food when it performed correctly.
  6. Our hometown has developed into a vibrant commercial center.
  7. He hid his hostility behind a friendly facade.
  8. Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?
  9. Everyone joined in the chorus.
  10. He stood in front of a gloomy tenement house.
  11. His words are catalyst of the fighting.
  12. It would be insanity to dump radioactive waste in the sea.
  13. When something such as an emotion impels you to do something, it affects you so strongly that you feel forced to do it.
  14. Jane scraped the mud off her boots before getting into the room.
  15. The air-conditioning system needs to be overhauled as summer is approaching.
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