
2018-10-07  本文已影响0人  JoyQQ

今日要闻:和导师商量center salons 的相关事情。


排出了一年内的featured authors

为中心即将创办的期刊定了名。New Chinese Writing: the Journal of Sinophone Literature



Would you have time perhaps on Wed (11am??) to have a quick meeting? As I mentioned we’d really like to have a series of informal Centre ‘salons’ over the year open to all our PhD/Visiting Fellows/Staff who are affiliated with the Centre and/or have an interest in Chinese-English literary translation. The idea really is just to meet up and perhaps have a very vague rota with some sessions where we can take turns and have a chance to talk about what we are working on, and/or perhaps other sessions where someone can choose a relevant (short!) theoretical text which we could read in advance and then discuss.

disconcering 扰人的

Hope all is going well and (for those of you currently in Leeds) that the transformation in campus now that the new undergraduate students have arrived isn’t too disconcerting!! (everything will calm down a little soon J).


To help mitigate some of the inevitable isolation of doing research, and so that we can consolidate our own research hub, we plan to run a series of informal fortnightly afternoon 



我们初次见面是刚来英国去Little London 询问学位时碰面的。小男孩当时十分热情,也许是因为看到中国人格外亲切。谁知这一碰面竟然为日后的友谊奠定了基础,虽然短短三个月,但每每想到他们一起奔跑玩耍的快乐,都令人十分开心。

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