
2020-02-17  本文已影响0人  guonaihong



Thread-safe, lock-free, non-blocking writer
If your writer might be slow or not thread-safe and you need your log producers to never get slowed down by a slow writer, you can use a diode.Writer as follow:
You will need to install code.cloudfoundry.org/go-diodes to use this feature.

第一个印象就是使用了go-diodes这个库,就达到了Thread-safe, lock-free, non-blocking writer效果。沟起了好奇心,然后看了下go-diodes库的代码只有不到1k左右,决定花1-2小时通读下,以期达到减少zerolog达来的黑洞感,也能更好地使用它。



// 1.NewOneToOne
d := diodes.NewOneToOne(1024, diodes.AlertFunc(func(missed int) {
    log.Printf("Dropped %d messages", missed)

// writer
go func() {
    for i := 0; i < 2048; i++ {
        // Warning: Do not use i. By taking the address,
        // you would not get each value
        j := i
        // 2.Set

// reader
poller := diodes.NewPoller(d)
for {
    i := poller.Next()

单生产者--单消费者无锁队列 数据结构

type OneToOne struct {
    buffer     []unsafe.Pointer
    writeIndex uint64
    readIndex  uint64
    alerter    Alerter

初始化函数: 查看NewOneToOne初始化做了什么?


func NewOneToOne(size int, alerter Alerter) *OneToOne {
    if alerter == nil {
        alerter = AlertFunc(func(int) {})

    return &OneToOne{
        buffer:  make([]unsafe.Pointer, size),
        alerter: alerter,

Write: .Set做了什么?

d.buffer[idx] = newBucket
// Set sets the data in the next slot of the ring buffer.
func (d *OneToOne) Set(data GenericDataType) {
    idx := d.writeIndex % uint64(len(d.buffer))

    newBucket := &bucket{
        data: data,
        seq:  d.writeIndex,

    atomic.StorePointer(&d.buffer[idx], unsafe.Pointer(newBucket))

Write: .Set中的疑问--如果读得慢写得快,如何?


Read: NewPoller初始化做了什么?


func NewPoller(d Diode, opts ...PollerConfigOption) *Poller {
    p := &Poller{
        Diode:    d,
        interval: 10 * time.Millisecond,
        ctx:      context.Background(),

    for _, o := range opts {

    return p

Read: Next函数--读取迭代器


// Next polls the diode until data is available or until the context is done.
// If the context is done, then nil will be returned.
func (p *Poller) Next() GenericDataType {
    for {
        data, ok := p.Diode.TryNext()
        if !ok {
            if p.isDone() {
                return nil

        return data

Read: TryNext函数


  1. idx := d.readIndex % uint64(len(d.buffer)) 计算读下标
  2. result := (*bucket)(atomic.SwapPointer(&d.buffer[idx], nil)) 原子交换变量
result := d.buffer[idx]
d.buffer[idx] = nil
  1. result.seq < d.readIndex 判断
  2. d.alerter.Alert(int(dropped)) 会善意地提醒你,它丢了多少条数据
func (d *OneToOne) TryNext() (data GenericDataType, ok bool) {
    // Read a value from the ring buffer based on the readIndex.
    idx := d.readIndex % uint64(len(d.buffer))
    result := (*bucket)(atomic.SwapPointer(&d.buffer[idx], nil))

    // When the result is nil that means the writer has not had the
    // opportunity to write a value into the diode. This value must be ignored
    // and the read head must not increment.
    if result == nil {
        return nil, false

    // When the seq value is less than the current read index that means a
    // value was read from idx that was previously written but has since has
    // been dropped. This value must be ignored and the read head must not
    // increment.
    // The simulation for this scenario assumes the fast forward occurred as
    // detailed below.
    // 5. The reader reads again getting seq 5. It then reads again expecting
    //    seq 6 but gets seq 2. This is a read of a stale value that was
    //    effectively "dropped" so the read fails and the read head stays put.
    //    `| 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 |` r: 7, w: 6
    if result.seq < d.readIndex {
        return nil, false

    // When the seq value is greater than the current read index that means a
    // value was read from idx that overwrote the value that was expected to
    // be at this idx. This happens when the writer has lapped the reader. The
    // reader needs to catch up to the writer so it moves its write head to
    // the new seq, effectively dropping the messages that were not read in
    // between the two values.
    // Here is a simulation of this scenario:
    // 1. Both the read and write heads start at 0.
    //    `| nil | nil | nil | nil |` r: 0, w: 0
    // 2. The writer fills the buffer.
    //    `| 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |` r: 0, w: 4
    // 3. The writer laps the read head.
    //    `| 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 |` r: 0, w: 6
    // 4. The reader reads the first value, expecting a seq of 0 but reads 4,
    //    this forces the reader to fast forward to 5.
    //    `| 4 | 5 | 2 | 3 |` r: 5, w: 6
    if result.seq > d.readIndex {
        dropped := result.seq - d.readIndex
        d.readIndex = result.seq

    // Only increment read index if a regular read occurred (where seq was
    // equal to readIndex) or a value was read that caused a fast forward
    // (where seq was greater than readIndex).
    return result.data, true


这个只能在两个go程间流转数据。一个write go程,一个read go程。



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