
聆听Eva Cassidy,我知道了什么是天籁之音

2017-01-06  本文已影响0人  陈瑞奇Ricky

如果你在生活的烦杂中想选一个歌手来帮你静心,我推荐美国歌手Eva Cassidy,她天籁般的歌声一定会带你绕过纷扰的尘世,来到夜莺歌唱的天堂,让你的心在宁静中和天地一起融化...

“Songbird(啼莺)”就是打动我的Eva Cassidy的第一首歌,而且也是她的绝唱。1998年,这位生前并不多为人知的年轻歌手离世两年后,她的专辑《Songbird》才风靡世界。她夜莺般的歌声,从此由天堂传遍我们这个孤独的星球,安抚着每一颗需要宁静的心灵。

1963年Eva Cassidy出生于美国马里兰州一个热爱民歌和爵士的音乐家庭,小时候曾被家里带出去演唱,可这孩子生性有些孤僻内向,并不喜欢在麦克风前表现自己的才华,艺术和歌唱对她来说只是为了她自己的内心,而不是商品。直到她33岁去世前,她也只是一位植物学校的园丁,歌唱只是她的业余爱好。,她生前虽然在她的家乡小有名气,却是在死后被英国人和BBC电台推向世界。所以说,称songbird这首歌是来自天堂的千古绝唱一点也不为过。也就是这位业余歌手,在英国BBC民选统计的20世纪最伟大歌手名单中,Eva Cassidy名列第21位。


For you there'll be no crying

For you the sun will be shining

'Cause I feel that when I'm with you

It's alright' I know it's right

And the songbirds keep singing

Like they know the score

And I love you' I love you' I loveyou

Like never before

...To you' I would give the world

To you' I'd never be cold

'Cause I feel that when I'm with you

It's alright' I know it's right

And the songbirds keep singing

Like they know the score

And I love you' I love you' I loveyou

Like never before

Like never before;

like never before.

在Eva的歌声里,我们不难听到美国民谣、乡村、爵士、到流行与摇滚各种音乐的元素,她翻唱的经典爵士乐What a wonderful day就融入了很多元素而形成了自己独特的风格。“What a wonderful world” 1968年由 美国黑人爵士乐代表人物Louis

Armstrong首次录制并以单曲发行。歌曲是在上世纪六十年代美国日益紧张的种族和政治问题背景下创作的,歌曲中以婴儿的新生来表达对新的生活的向往和对未来的憧憬。“What a wonderful world”经历半个世纪以来,被无数的歌手翻唱,也被改编成乐器演奏曲。现在已成为欧美音乐的一首长久不衰的经典歌曲。我听过国内外包括邓丽君等人的翻唱,但是唯独喜欢的还是Eva Cassidy的版本。

What awonderful world

I seetrees of green, red roses too

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night

And I think to myself what a wonderful world.

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces of people going by

I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do

They're really saying I love you.

I hear babies cry, I watch them grow

They'll learn much more than I'll never know

And I think to myself what a wonderful world

Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.

如果说songbird给你带来的是一片来自天堂的安慰,那Eva翻唱的“Ain't no sunshine则适合于你坐在一间独自抽着古巴雪茄的老男人之间,在某个开了多年的后街的爵士酒吧,和着昏暗的灯光,在伴唱下发呆。本首歌的原创作者是Bill Withers一位出生于是上世纪30年代的黑人歌手,歌曲作家和音乐家,“Ain't no sunshine”收录在1971年9月发布的专辑《Just as I Am》,到目前为止,已有100多个翻唱版本,还被翻译成各国语言,我也听过很多翻唱本,但也唯独喜欢EvaCassidy和Meachel Jackson的两个版本

Ain't No Sunshine

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

It's not warmwhen she's away

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

And she's alwaysgone too long

Anytime she goesaway

Wonder this timewhere she's gone

Wonder if she'sgone to stay

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

And this housejust ain't no home

Anytime she goesaway

And I know, Iknow...

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

Only darknesseveryday

Ain't nosunshine when she's gone

And this housejust ain't no home

Anytime she goesaway

Anytime she goesaway

Anytime she goesaway

Anytime she goesaway


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