LEVEL3试卷 填空题,课堂笔记5.26

2018-05-28  本文已影响35人  b1a8dd2ada89

1、The Browns____(visit) a lot of places in  Chian so far.

答: have visited,so far 到目前为止,填现在完成,即have done。

LEVEL3试卷 填空题,课堂笔记5.26 LEVEL3试卷 填空题,课堂笔记5.26

2、I __(read) the newspaper when the door bell rang.

答: was reading,when……当过去某一时间,我在做什么。

过去进行时--was doing

3、My family __ (move) to France the day after tomorrow.

答: will move,the day after tomorrow后天--将来时,

一来将来时--will do。

(1)大前天--three days ago

(2)前天--the day before yesterday




(6)后天--the day after tomorrow

(7)大后天--the day from now

#4、Look! All runners __(run)very fast.

答: are running,从 look! 看出现在进行时态,即 be doing

5、The little boy __ (not watch) TV every day.

答: doesn't watch, 从 the little boy 看出是第三人称单数,doesn't 表示了三单,所以 watch用原型。

6、After I __(do) the homework,I went to see a movie yesterday.

答: had done,从yesterday 看出是过去时,而after则 能看出是再说"过去的过去",用过过去完成时--had done

7、Tom __ (study) English for three years.

答: has studied,  for+一段时间=since……,发生于过去 且影响至今,用现在完成时--have done;


LEVEL3试卷 填空题,课堂笔记5.26

8、He __ (come) back a month ago.

答: came, a month ago一个月之前,过去时--did。

ago 以前,……前


9、The students __ (go) on a picnic next week.

答: will go,  从next week看出是 将来时,

一般将来时 will do。

will do--无计划的将去做

be going to do--有计划的将去做

next 下一个、紧接着

before 在……之前、以前

10、I __ (find) my pen on my desk ten minutes ago.

答: found,从ten minutes ago 十分钟之前看出 是一般过去时--did。

11、Mother promised she __ (buy) Me an  Englishi-Chiness dictionary.

答: woulid, promised看出 是过去时,过去说将来要……,用过去将来时,即 would do。

过去将来 would do

过去将来进行式 would be doing

过去将来完成式 would have done

过去将来时完成进行式would have been doing

12、Our English teacher __ (correct)all the exercise books last Friday evening.

答: corrected, 从last Friday evening 上周五晚上 看出是 一般过去式,即did。

13、I first met Lisa three years ago. Shr __ (work) at a radio shop at that time.

答: was working, 从上半句 看出来是 过去时,从 at that time"那时"看出是 进行式,

过去进行式--was doing。

#14、It is reported that a new house __ (build) at present in the disaster area.

答: is being built,  从at present"目前" 可以看出是 进行式, 又是被建造 所以用 现在进行式的 被动语态。

is bing done

LEVEL3试卷 填空题,课堂笔记5.26

15、If it __ (rain) The day after tomorrow,we will go to visit the zoo.

答: doesn't rain, 明天 不下午,我讲去动物园。

if  引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。

一般来说 有逗号,则是连词加从句的。


