【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Pa
【学习笔记】懂你英语 核心课 Level 5 Unit 1 Part 1(III)Vocabulary Describing Situations
Forbidden or prohibited, to be against the rules or not allowed. 禁止或禁止,违反规则或不允许。
Smoking is prohibited on many airplanes.【跟读】许多飞机上禁止吸烟。
Athletes are forbidden from taking certain kinds of drugs.【填空】运动员禁止服用某些药物。
If something is allowed, it isn't forbidden or prohibited.如果允许的话,这是不被禁止或禁止的。
【填空】Tourists are forbidden from taking pictures inside the museum.禁止游客在博物馆内拍照。
【填空】They were forbidden from going to that website because of its content.他们被禁止去那个网站,因为它的内容。
【填空】Weapons of any kind are prohibited inside the stadium.体育场内禁止携带任何武器。
【填空】Her parents didn’t like him,so she was forbidden to see him ever again.她的父母不喜欢他,所以禁止她再见到他。
【填空】Access to that part of the factory is prohibited for security reasons.出于安全考虑,禁止进入工厂的那一部分。
Risky, to be a bit dangerous or unsafe.危险,有点危险或不安全。
A risky investment may not be a good idea for people who worry too much.【朗读】对于担心太多的人来说,风险投资可能不是一个好主意。
If you make a risky investment, you may lose a lot of money.如果你做了冒险的投资,你可能会损失很多钱。
What level of risk are you willing to take?你愿意承担多大的风险?
【填空】Investing in that company is very risky because it has many strong competitors.投资那家公司风险很大,因为它有许多强大的竞争对手。
【填空】If you make a risky investment you may lose a lot of money.如果你做了冒险的投资,你可能会损失很多钱。
【填空】Meeting someone on the internet can be very risky, so be careful.在互联网上遇见某人是非常重要的,所以要小心。
【填空】Starting a new company can be veryrisky because most new companies fail within 5 years.创办一家新公司是非常困难的,因为大多数新公司在5年内就倒闭了。
Ridiculous, to be foolish or not make any sense. 可笑,是愚蠢还是毫无意义。
Their proposal is ridiculous, because it requires too much time and money. 他们的提议是荒谬的,因为它需要太多的时间和金钱。
Without enough quality practice, it's ridiculous to expect much progress.【填空】如果没有足够的质量实践,期望有很大的进步是荒谬的。
【填空】At first we thought his proposal was ridiculous, but then we realized that it made sense. 起初我们认为他的建议很荒谬,但后来我们意识到这是有道理的。
【填空】Without enough quality practice, it’s ridiculous to expect much progress. 如果没有足够的质量实践,期望有很大的进步是荒谬的。
【填空】He is lazy and the quality of his work is poor, so it’s ridiculous for him to expect a bonus. 他很懒惰,工作质量也很差,所以给他发奖金是荒谬的。
【填空】It’s ridiculous for us to expect great results from such a poorly designed product. 对我们来说,期望这样一个设计糟糕的产品能产生巨大的效果是荒谬的。
Innovative, to come up with a new idea or way of doing things. 创新,提出新的想法或做事方式。
Innovative people are usually clever and creative. 有创新精神的人通常是聪明和有创造力的。
To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something. 创新意味着想出一种新的做事方法。
Innovative thinking can lead to the development of new products and services. 创新思维可以促进新产品和新服务的开发。
【填空】Agreeing to her innovative ideas was difficult at first, but it turned out to be the right decision. 起初,同意她的创新想法是困难的,但结果却是正确的决定。
【填空】She left the company because she didn’t think it was innovative enough. 她离开公司是因为她认为公司不够创新。
【填空】He isn’t innovative because her esists change and always wants to do things the same way. 他不具有创新性,因为异端会改变,总是想做同样的事情。
【填空】If they want to be innovative, they should change the way they’ve been doing things. 如果他们想要创新,他们应该改变他们做事的方式。
【填空】His innovative proposals made several of the engineers very uncomfortable, but theyfinally agreed. 他的创新建议让几个工程师很不舒服,但他们终于同意了。
Conservative to be conservative is to avoid taking risks. 保守就是要避免冒险。
Conservative investors try to make safe investments. 保守的投资者试图进行安全的投资。
A conservative investor wants to minimize risks. 保守的投资者希望把风险降到最低。
A conservative approach to management may discourage innovation.【填空】 保守的管理方法可能会阻碍创新。
【填空】If you don’t want to take a risk, you should take a conservative approach to investing.如果你不想冒险,你应该采取保守的方法去调查。
【填空】Her parents are very conservative, so they don’t approve of her wearing so much makeup.她的父母很保守,所以他们不赞成她化妆。
【选图】-What is the opposite of allowed? -forbidden.
【选图】-What kind of thinking can lead to the development of new products? -innovative (灯泡)
【选图】If an idea or proposal doesn't make any sense, it is.... ridiculous.
【选图】-To avoid taking risks is to be... -conservative.
【跟读】To innovate means to come up with a new way of doing something.
【跟读】Meeting someone on the internet can be very risky, so be careful.