UiPath 使用技巧

UiPath 中使用 Excel 数据透视表

2019-02-21  本文已影响5人  Creator_蔚蓝

怎么在 UiPath 中操作数据透视表?

  1. 你可以通过 Send Hotkeys 来创建数据透视表
    ALT + N + V + T + ENTER

Possible now only via UI Automation. You can create a new sheet with UiPath by using the dedicated activities.

After that, some useful shortcuts:

A1 + Enter in namebox - go to A1
Ctrl+ Right arrow - go to the last column ov your table
Ctrl + Shift+ - Down to select the column
Ctrl + Shift+ - Insert a column.

Or more here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Excel-keyboard-shortcuts-and-function-keys-1798d9d5-842a-42b8-9c99-9b7213f0040f 194

  1. 你可以写一个 Macro 来实现,然后再在 UiPath 中调用

  2. Invoke VB .net Code

wb.PivotTableWizard(XlPivotTableSourceType.xlDatabase ,wsTemp.Range(“A1:C” & wsTemp.UsedRange.Rows.Count),ws.Range(“A1”),“Pivot1”,True,True,True,True,False,False,XlOrder.xlDownThenOver ,0)
pt = CType(ws.PivotTables(“Pivot1”), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.PivotTable)
field1 = CType(pt.PivotFields(“Sold To”), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.PivotField)
field2 = CType(pt.PivotFields(“Amount”), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.PivotField)
field1.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlRowField
field2.Orientation = XlPivotFieldOrientation.xlDataField
field2.Function = XlConsolidationFunction.xlSum

https://www.e-iceblue.com/Tutorials/Spire.XLS/Spire.XLS-Program-Guide/Pivot-Table-Create-Pivot-Table-in-Excel-with-C-/VB.NET.html 22


How to make pivot table in an excel spreadsheet uipath How To

  1. 使用自定义控件

  2. 适用 VBA 编写宏,然后再在 UiPath 中调用

  1. Pivot Table - Works with or without Excel Application Scope.
  2. Filter Range / Data - Works with or without Excel Application Scope.
  3. Find & Replace - Advanced Technology. (See the video)
  4. Text to Columns - Fixed width & Delimiter.
  5. Copy paste data - To same workbook or to other workbook without any format loss.
  6. Remove Duplicates - Single / multiple columns.
  7. Update Status in an Excel sheet after processing some invoices or any (Completed, Success, Closed, etc)
  8. Clear contents - To delete / clear the data of a given column.(See the function lists in drop-down)
  9. Excel Save as - To save the excel in different format (.xls to .xlsb OR .xlsm to .xls)
  10. Cells Formatting - To set the columns in a required format (General, Text, Number or any custom format)
  11. Export PDF to Excel.
  12. Export Notepad to Excel.
  13. Extract specific lines from Notepad and paste into an Excel.
  14. Extract specific lines from PDF and paste into an Excel.

All activites under custom activities in : - https://uipath.devpost.com/submissions 8
Kindly go through each of the activities…

Activities are as follows : -

  1. Pivot Table - Works with or without Excel Application Scope.
  2. Filter Range / Data - Works with or without Excel Application Scope.
  3. Find & Replace - Advanced Technology. (See the video)
  4. Text to Columns - Fixed width & Delimiter.
  5. Copy paste data - To same workbook or to other workbook without any format loss.
  6. Remove Duplicates - Single / multiple columns.
  7. Update Status in an Excel sheet after processing some invoices or any (Completed, Success, Closed, etc)
  8. Clear contents - To delete / clear the data of a given column.(See the function lists in drop-down)
  9. Excel Save as - To save the excel in different format (.xls to .xlsb OR .xlsm to .xls)
  10. Cells Formatting - To set the columns in a required format (General, Text, Number or any custom format)
  11. Export PDF to Excel.
  12. Export Notepad to Excel.
  13. Extract specific lines from Notepad and paste into an Excel.
  14. Extract specific lines from PDF and paste into an Excel.

All activites under custom activities in : - https://uipath.devpost.com/submissions 2
Kindly go through each of the activities…

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