
2019-08-07  本文已影响0人  青春是用来奋斗的_5e89

And the blood will dry,指尖之下,Underneath my nails,血迹终将干涸,

And the wind will rise up,大风起兮,

To fill my sails,助我扬帆归航,

So you can doubt,你大可怀疑,

And you can hate,亦可妄加憎恶,

But I know,但我深知,

No matter what it takes,纵使险阻万重,

I'm coming home,我终将归乡,

I'm coming home,我将凯旋归航,

Tell the world I'm coming home,让世昭然 我将还乡,

Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday,任雨水洗刷昨日苦痛,

I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes,万民翘首以盼 早已宽恕我的罪责,

I'm coming home, I'm coming home,我将衣锦还乡 我将解甲归田,

Tell the world that I'm coming,让世昭然 我将还乡,

I'm coming home,我将归乡,

I'm coming home,我将凯旋归航,

Still far away,距我家乡,

From where I belong,已是千山万岭,

And it's always darkest before the dawn,风雨之后 才能见彩虹

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