
Visual Analysis of "Zhenhun

2018-06-25  本文已影响30人  一口獠牙的小甜甜

20151302878 杨丽娜


the "Zhenhun" (镇魂)related topics on Weibo are very popular, Almost the entire home

page in open micro-blog has mentioned the "Zhenhun" and related

actors. This is a June 2018 new screen play, adapted from Priest's novel, the

net play so far just released two weeks, won countless praise. Although the

World Cup broadcast at the same time, but also did not reduce its heat. The

theme of the play is unique (BL), the actor is very good acting, actors’appearance levelis also very high. I alsolike this play very much, so I chose the data related to this play as thestatistic data.

Data are from Sina statistics.

Fromthe chart we can see that: First, in terms of geographical distribution, mostof the heat is concentrated in Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other regions.

Theseareas have the highest heat of discussion about the soul of the town.

Fromthe analysis of the user sentiment, this play of the majority of the audienceare girls, there are some boys to see the play, most of the users talk aboutthe play when the mood is mainly to joy, most of the content of Micro Bo ispraised.


general evaluation of the topic of the town is very high, whether it is a

netizen's evaluation or the media's evaluation is good, I think it is not only

because of the appearance

levelofthe two people, the Brotherhood of the play, but more importantly, the twoactors’ dedicated attitude for a novel adapted from the play.

Andthis play related topic keyword has "The Immortal Brotherhood""The White Sheep" "Professor Shen" "The Zhenhun Girl"and so on

Inthis visualization, I use the public opinion system for visual analysis, in theuser mood and gender insights, topic heat and the geographical distribution ofthe relevant word cloud on the visualization.

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