LC 627. Swap Salary

2018-01-19  本文已影响0人  caisense

Given a table salary, such as the one below, that has m=male and f=female values. Swap all f and m values (i.e., change all f values to m and vice versa) with a single update query and no intermediate temp table.

For example:

| id | name | sex | salary |
| 1  | A    | m   | 2500   |
| 2  | B    | f   | 1500   |
| 3  | C    | m   | 5500   |
| 4  | D    | f   | 500    |

After running your query, the above salary table should have the following rows:

| id | name | sex | salary |
| 1  | A    | f   | 2500   |
| 2  | B    | m   | 1500   |
| 3  | C    | f   | 5500   |
| 4  | D    | m   | 500    |


update salary set sex = CHAR(ASCII('f') ^ ASCII('m') ^ ASCII(sex));

Think of it as: 11 is the difference between 'm' and 'f'. (Like we said earlier, 11 = 'm' ^ 'f'.)这里是用asc码运算,'m'=01101101,'f'=01100110, 'm' ^ 'f'=00001011(十进制=11).

So now that we know the difference, it can be used to convert both an 'm' into an 'f' AND an 'f' into an 'm'.

f = 'm' ^ 11; // This converts an 'm' into an 'f'.
m = 'f' ^ 11; // This converts an 'f' into an 'm'.

f ⊕ G = m
m ⊕ G = f

