知识点60 :S字母开头的单词 seismic-solida
- Seismic means caused by or relating to an earthquake
- A seismic shift or change is a very sudden or dramatic change
Seismology is the scientific study of earthquakes
Seismometer is the instrument for monitoring earthquakes
wave:波) - If you wave or wave your hand, you move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodby to someone
- If you wave someone away or wave them on, you make a movement with your hand to indicate that they should move in a particular direction
- If you wave someone away or wave them on, you make a movement with your hand to indicate that they should move in a particular direction
- If you wave something, you hold it up and move it rapidly from side to side
- If something waves, it moves gently from side to side or up and down
- A wave is a raised mass of water on the surface of water, especially the sea, which is caused by the wind or by tides making the surface of the water rise and fall
- If someone’s hair has waves, it curves slightly instead of being straight
- A wave is a sudden increase in heat or energy that spreads out from an earthquake or explosion
- Waves are the form in which things such as good, light, and radio signals travel
IF a wound or a part of your body becones septic, it becomes infected
Free from living pathogenic organisms
Something that is putrid has decayed and smells very unpleasant
When something putrefies, it decays and produces a very unpleasant smell
If you purify a substance, you make it pure by removing any harmful, dirty, or inferior substances from it
When property is sequestrated, it is taken officialy from someone who has debts, usually after a decision in a court of law. If the debts are paid off, the property is returned to its owner
If you confiscate something from someone, you take it away from them, usually as a punishment
Fiscal is used to describe something that relates to government money or public money, especially taxes
If fyou describe someone’s work or activities as sloppy, you mean they have been done in a careless and lazy way
A man who is dapper has a very neat and clean appearance, and is often aslo small and thin
Slippers are loose, soft shoes that you wear at home
Slovenly people are careless, messy, or inefficient
- A slur is an insulting remark which could damage someone’s reputation
- If someone slurs their speech or if their speech slurs, they do not pronounce each word clearly, because they are drunk, ill, or sleepy
blur:模糊: - A blur is a shape or area which you cannot see clearly because it has no distinct outline or because it is moving very fast
- When a thing blurs or when something blurs it, you cannot see it clearly because its edges are no longer distinct
- If something blurs an idea or a distinction between things, that idea or distinction no longer seems clear
- If your vision blurs, or if something blurs it, you cannot see things clearly
To make (eyes or sight) dim with or as if with tears;
clear:明确) - Something that is clear is easy to understand, see, or hear
- Something that is clear is obvious and impossible to be mistaken about
- If you are clear about something, you understand it completely
- If your mind or your way of thinking is clear, you are able to think sensibly and reasonably, and you a re not affected by confusion or by a drug such as alcohol
- To clear your mind or your head means to free it from confused thoughts or from the effects of a drug such as alcohol
- If you make something clear, you say something in a way that makes it impossible for there to be any doubt about your meaning, wishes, or intensions
- If you say that someone is smug, you are criticizing the fact they seem very pleased with how good, clever, or lucky they are
If someone smuggles things or people into a place or out of it, they take them there illegally or secretly
snug:温暖的 - If you feel snug or are in a snug place, you are very warm and comfortable, especially because you are protected from cold weather
- Something such as a piece of clothing that is snug fits very closely or tightly
Smog is a mixture of fog and smoke which occurs in some busy industrial cities
A complacent person is very pleased with themselves or feels that they do not need to do anything about a situation, even though the situation may be uncertain or dangerous
If you are elated, you are extremely happy and excited because of something that has happend
- If you snub someone, you deliberately insult them by irgnoring them or by behaving or speaking rudely toward them
- If you snub someone, your behavior or your remarks can be referred to as a snub
If you describe someone as snobbish, you disapprove of them because they are too proud of their social status, intelligence, or tatse.
- If you say that someone is a noble person, you admire and respect them because they are unselfish and morally good
- If you say that something is a noble idea, goal, or action, you admire it because it is based on high moral principles
- If you describe something as noble, you think that its appearance or quality is very impressive, making it superior to other things of its type
- Noble means belonging to a high social class and having a title
If a group of people show solidarity, they show support for each other or for another group, especially in political or international affairs
If you conciliate someone, you try to end a disagreement with them
Solace is a feeling of comfort that makes you feel less sad
If you say that someone is inconsolable, you mean that they are very sad and cannot be conforted
Someone who is disconsolate is very unhappy and dressed