Makes Perfect---商业即兴70

2020-05-27  本文已影响0人  祥祥布鲁斯

Makes Perfect使完美

Let’s practice. Answer this typical improv question out loud for yourself, right now: “What is the purpose of warming up before a meeting or presentation?”


There are of course many ways to hit this piñata, and the “right”answer might incorporate some of the following: “The purpose of the warm-up is energy manipulation and getting into a better, more focused mental and physical space. We are going to treat our brains as muscles, and we are going to use a warm-up to get that muscle ready to function at peak capability by oxygenating it. The outcome will be raised levels of focus and concentration and increased speed of thought and adaptability so that we are all present in this moment. We are doing a warm-up so that when we move ahead to the task at hand we will be operating at high levels of awareness and engagement.”Now take a shot at answering some meatier questions out loud:


1. “What is ‘Yes, and . . . ’?” What is the purpose of it? Why are  we using it? For how long will we use it? What is the desired effect (the end goal)?

2. “What, if anything, is the difference between ‘Yes, and’ and ‘Yes, but’?”



(For the record, asking and answering these basic questions is a great  way to set up a divergent thinking or brainstorming session.)


Once again, please speak your answers to these questions aloud,right now, even at the risk of drawing dirty looks from family members, fellow rail commuters, or other passengers on the airplane. I implore you, please commit to this.


Some of the many appropriate responses might sound something like this:


1. “Yes, and . . . ” is a technique for slowing the brain down, to be present and in the moment. “Yes, and” is a way to dramatically strengthen the skill set related to listening, focus and concentration, and engagement. It is a tool for postponing judgment and increasing adaptability. “Yes” indicates that you have heard what somebody else has said and have takentime to understand it. The “and . . . ” is the bridge to your own perspective and authentic voice in articulating how you understand what was said. “Yes, and” implies and creates inclusivity, flow, and momentum. It is an invitation. “Yes, and” is a connector for inclusivity that feels like it is pulling people into a conversation and an exchange of ideas. It is a statement that reflects a positive approach to relationship building.


2. Conversely “Yes, but . . . ” feels like it is pushing people away. The “but . . . ” eliminates everything said before it. A “Yes, but” communication comes across as a restriction, a denial, a contradiction, or a deflection. Even when “Yes, but” is meant to express a positive attitude, it is rarely heard or understood that way. It feels like a negation, especially when it is delivered consistently, over time, or with volume and energy. “Yes, but . . . ”shuts people down and makes them feel defensive. “Yes, but” is essentially a condescending way of saying no.

2.相反,“是,但是。。。感觉就像是把人们推开了。“但是。。。消除了之前所说的一切。“是,但是”的沟通是一种限制,否认,矛盾或偏颇。即使“是,但是”是要表达一种积极态度,也很少有人会这样听或理解。感觉像是一种否定,尤其是当它持续交付,随着时间推移或伴随着体积和能量而交付时。“对,但是 。。。将人们拒之门外,使他们感到防御。“是,但是”本质上是拒绝的居高临下的方式。

If you like the sound of your own voice, keep going. Try vocalizing how you would lead a brainstorming session or a team collaboration.Push yourself to think about what you would actually say to coworkers to set up the proper framework for ideation or idea sharing. Be specific and explicit, as in this following swing at the piñata:


“We’re going to do a warm-up, to loosen our inhibitions and get us energized for this meeting. Then we are going to split the meeting into two 20-minute sections. In the first section we will emphasize divergent thinking: how far can we get away from Point A (that is, your issue)? We are going to use ‘Yes, and’ to explore and explode as many ideas as possible. This is about the number of ideas we can come up with, not the number of good ideas. So no one is allowed to say ‘No,’ and no one is allowed to question, judge, or analyze for these first 20 minutes. The key here is to drive potential and endless possibilities. Fail early and fail often, for 20 minutes. We must all embrace this fully and be diligent with this task.


“Critical perspective will come in the second 20-minute section, when we will emphasize convergent thinking. At that time we will take the ideas we have produced in the first section and pick them apart, prioritize them, analyze them, question them, deconstruct them, and otherwise use our great critical thinking skills to come up with best ideas or viable solutions.”

“批判性观点将在第二20分钟的部分中介绍,我们将强调融合思想。到那时,我们将把第一部分中提出的想法分解开来,对它们进行优先排序,分析,质疑,解构,或者运用我们出色的批判性思维技巧提出最佳想法或可行的解决方案。 ”

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