File System
File Permissions
- ls -l <filename>: 查file mode, owner, group, file size, last modified, filename
- rwx: read 4, write 2, execute 1
- chmod 744 <filename>:更改权限
- unmask 111: 将默认权限改为777-111=666
Disk Duplication
- dd: low-level copying. As disks are like normal files, with dd can create a virtual disk
sudo dd if=FILE of=FILE bs=BYTES count=BLOCKS
if: input file, of: output file, bs: block size(how many bytes), count: copy only BLOCKS input blocks
eg. dd if=/dev/zero of=test.disk bs=64M count=1
Create FAT Filesystems
- mkfs.vfat: initialize a blank disk
mkfs.vfat -F FAT-size -f NUMFAT -S logical-sector-size -s sectors-per-cluster -R number-of-reserved-sectors DEVICE
eg. mkfs.vfat -F 32 -f 2 -S 512 -s 1 -R 32 test.disk
2 FATs, 512 bytes per sector, 1 sector per cluster, 32 reserved sectors
Check and Repair FAT filesystem
- dosfcsk: check the details of the FAT filesystem
eg. dosfsck -v test.disk
- mount: mounts a storage or a file system, make is accessible and attach it to an existing directory structure. The attached directory is called mount point.
unmount after using, or not fully synchonized, cause loss of data
- mkdir ~/rd //creat a mount point
- sudo mount -t vfat -o test.disk ~/rd //mount the disk to the mount point 详见
- sudo umount ~/rd //unmount the disk
- Device busy problem: process occopies the device s.t cannot unmount it
- lsof ~/rd //列出当前系统打开文件
- fuser -vm ~/rd //显示出当前哪个程序在使用磁盘上的某个文件、挂载点、甚至网络端口,并给出程序进程的详细信息.
显示出哪个process正在occupy device,kill他的PID
create a new file test.disk to hold the virtual volume by pre-filling the file with data
dd if=/dev/zero of=test.disk bs=64M count=1
give the volume a filesystem, FAT32
mkfs.vfat -F 32 -f 2 -S 512 -s 1 -R 32 test.disk
check the details of the FAT filesystem
dosfsck -v test.disk
to mount the formatted file from the terminal, create a folder to mount it to(~/rd)
mkdir ~/rd
sudo mount -t vfat -o loop test.disk ~/rd
cd ~/rd
sudo touch a
cd -
sudo umount ~/rd
Viewing with Hex Editor
To analyze the file system, view it with hexasecimal editor, eg. hexedit, xxd in Ubuntu
//after unmount
hexedit test.disk
Three columns in output: Line number in hexadecimal, content in hexadecimal, content in ASCII
Endian-ness in FAT32
Endian-ness is about byte ordering. Two types: big endian, little endian
big endian: 0x0002 = 2 bytes
little endian: 0x0200 = 512bytes
In FAT32, little endian is used, the number of bytes per sector is 512 bytes
Linux File Systems Calls
- three system file tables: open file table->inode table
Directory Related Calls in C Language
- mkdir(const char* pathname, mode): create a directory
- rmdir(const char* pathname): delete a directory
- opendir(const char* pathname): open a directory
- readdir(DIR* dp): read a directory
- closedir(DIR* dp): close a directory
- DIR structure
- dirent :ino_t d_ino(file serial number), char d_name[](name of entry)
举个例子: simulate ls
/* listdir.c */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dirent.h>
int main (int argc,char *argv[]) {
int total = 0;
DIR *pDir;
struct dirent *pDirent;
if (argc < 2) {
printf ("Missing out directory!\n");
return -1;
pDir = opendir (argv[1]);
if (pDir == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot open directory '%s'\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
while ((pDirent = readdir(pDir)) != NULL) {
printf ("[%s]\n", pDirent->d_name);
closedir (pDir);
return 0;
Overview of FAT32
Accessing FAT using C
C Header of TAF
include <linus/msdos_fs.h>
Header: Boot Sector
Header: Dir Entry
Read the header
举个栗子 create a virtual disk beforehand
FILE *fp = NULL;
struct fat_boot_sector boot_entry;
fp = fopen(device_name, "r+");
if(fp == NULL)
uint32_t numItem = fread(&boot_entry, sizeof(struct fat_boot_sector), 1, fp);
if(numItem != 1)
// Bytes per sector. Allowed values include 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096
uint16_t bps = boot_entry.sector_size[0] + ((uint16_t) boot_entry.sector_size[1] << 8);
off_t root_entry_offset = ( boot_entry.reserved +
boot_entry.fats * boot_entry.fat32.length) * bps;
uint32_t bpc = bps * boot_entry.sec_per_clus;
off_t fat_offset = bps * boot_entry.reserved;
disk_info->fp = fp;
disk_info->root_entry_offset = root_entry_offset;
disk_info->bpc = bpc;
disk_info->bps = bps;
disk_info->spc = boot_entry.sec_per_clus;
disk_info->reserved_sectors = boot_entry.reserved;
disk_info->fat_offset = fat_offset;
disk_info->num_fats = boot_entry.fats;
disk_info->fat_size = boot_entry.fat32.length;
8+3 File Name
at most 8 chatacters + '.' + at most 3 characters
- In Dir Entry header:
define MSDOS_NAME 11
__u8 name[MSDOS_NAME]
- File deletion and File name
To delete, mark the first character of the file name with 0xe5