BEC剑桥英语高级真题3 Test 1 Part 4- How
How important is job satisfaction? 工作满足感是如何重要?
At its most basic, a job is just a collection of tasks and duties. An employee's enjoyment of his or her job will thus **largely ** depend upon whether or not he or she is happy with the particular mix of tasks and duties allocated to that position. Naturally, each and every member of staff is different- some employees want to do easy, routine tasks without any responsibilities at all, whilst others prefer challenging, varied ones and are pleased to accept any additional responsibilities offered to them. Of course, with a job there are more factor in play than this: work conditions, pay, working relations and future prospects are relevant too. Nevertheless, tasks and duties are the central feature, and should therefore be considered as a separate issue in themselves.
从最基本的意义上说,工作就是一系列任务和职责的集合。 因此,员工是否喜欢自己的工作在很大程度上取决于分配给他/她的那个职位特定的任务和职责是否满意。自然而然,每一个员工都是不一样的-有一些员工希望轻松的完成日常工作而完全不承担任何责任,而另外一些员工喜欢挑战性强,变化多样的工作,并乐于接受额外的责任。当然,对于一份工作来说,起作用的因素不止这些:工作环境,薪水,工作关系和未来前景也很重要。然而,任务和职责是主要特征,因此应该被视为单独的问题。
So, how important is an employee's enjoyment of his or her individual set of tasks and duties? Most business owners and managers would insist that it is very significant indeed. If a member of staff considers his or her tasks and duties to be too easy or unchallenging or , in contrast, too diverse or irksome, then he or she will feel dissatisfied, and all the inevitable knock-on effects will manifest themselves-absences, lateness, reduced work-rate and performance, conflict, low morale, or even resignations. Thus it is important that staff are well suited to their employment, that jobs are improved as far as possible and redesigned as and when necessary - all to ensurethat your employees enjoy what they do.