[Apple English] HOW MANY

2020-05-14  本文已影响0人  虾蛮小

Apple English, your English buddy.

how many.png

HOW MANY? This is a book about numbers. One, two(伸伸手指) one finger one finger turn turn turn, turn to a worm, crawl, crawl. Two fingers two fingers turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, hop, hop!

Aha! We see a monkey sitting on the train. What does he like? He likes an engine driver. A blue cap, a work clothes, and a charming smile(微笑看着宝宝,挤个眼睛,哈哈 Like this) Chugga, choo,choo, off we go! Who will sit on the train? What are they doing? Let’s see the book inside.

PAGE 1, 2 (全部打开蓝色一面冲着宝宝)ah!A long train! Running under the blue sky! (快速合上),where are they heading? Choo,choo Let’s go on a picnic! Wow! Picnic, who will go? And how many? Let’s count them one by one. Chugga,chugga, choo choo, who is the 1st? Bear! How many? One bear(竖起一个手指),teddy bear teddy bear how are you. He wears a green scarf(拿一条小围巾给宝宝戴上), a scarf is needed for our picnic(做做吃的动作). He is sitting on a carriage, what color is it? It is pink. Elegant(双手翘兰花指,微微颔首)! Hmm.

PAGE 3,4 Chugga,chugga, choo choo, the 2nd. Cat! How many? One, two, Two cats(竖起两个手指), what color are they? It is yellow, it is purple. They are sitting on the blue carriage. The yellow one is watching, and the purple one is waving “Hello! Good morning!”. A monkey is answering, he is waving either. Ah! Yes, monkeys are sitting on the 3rd carriage. How many monkeys can we see?one ,two, three, three monkeys! (竖起三个手指) What are they doing, one is talking to the cat, the others, what are they looking? Something interesting! Let’s see!

Page 5,6 (哼着小曲雄壮点儿的,举起手)aha! Hippos! How many hippos?one, two, three, four, four hippos! (竖起四个手指) They are sitting on the green carriage. What are they doing! They are dancing(跳着转转圈儿),if you are happy they you rise up your hands. If you are happy then you stamp your feet!(重重跺脚)aha! Hippopotamus is heavy. It has a big mouth, and it can eat more!(张大嘴), woof woof, at the end, we see the cutie dogs! How many dogs? one, two, three, four, five, five dogs(竖起手掌),they are wearing bows. Beautiful ladies(双手叠放做个优雅的蹲身) they are sitting on a white carriage.

Then, we will go to prepare a picnic. We need many friends to do something. How many friends? Let’s see! Turn over!


one, two, ……ten aha! 举起双手,和宝宝击掌! Ten friends helps us!

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