Nice sentences of Friends0503

2017-12-04  本文已影响0人  LuckyEric

Follow are some useful sentences I learned from Friends0503.

I can not wait to see you, please do not hurt me. If you miss someone so much, or you want to see someone very much, you could use 'I can not wait to see you.' to express your feeling.

It is going to be ok, please do not worry. Everything will be ok, it is not nicessary to worry about it. On the other hand, worry could do nothing to the problem.

Do not worry, she is going to make it on time. What takes her so long to get here? Why she is still not here? Do not worry, I believe she could make it on time.

Would you like to see them? Do you want to see them?

This is insane. Forget it, I am not going to ask them to give me a kid. If you do not want to do something others ask you to do, you could use 'forget it, I am not going to do it.'

Are you really going to go out with that man? Are you really want to buy this, are you sure it is not just a passion?

The technical definition is two friends go out and want to spend time with each other.

Se we are ok? Yes, we are ok.

Do not do the dance, right.

Did you talk to them about my idea?

Can I just have a second alone with the babies? Can I talk to you for a second outside? I really need to talk to you.

We are so prod of you, you are so amazing. You did very well, we are so proud of what you did.

No, none of them is the father, the father is my brother.

I hope I can see you guys everyday. I know Frank and Elise have a pool but you leaved in me.

They said the doctor is really good, he is the head of the department.

I am going to be on the news. Yes I know, Frank and his wife want to keep all their kids. This is insane.

I wish I could take you home and see you everyday.

I did not know I care that so much.

How do you make that dirty?

Where are Monica and Rachel?

I am fully codified to give birth to your baby.

Hi, I just heard, what is happening?

Alice is going to be here so soon, can you do me a favour to hold it up?

Phoebe gives birth to three babies in this episode. After ten moths Phoebe take her little brother’s babies, now it is time to see them. When Phoebe gets to the hospital with other five friends, Ross finds that Phoebe’s ordinary doctor can not get to hospital, so they arranged another Doctor to her. Although Phoebe does not like her new doctor, but she has no choice. On the other hand, her friends thought this doctor is totally qualified to give birth to her babies, because he is the head of his department.

We know that Chandler and Monica have something in London, they have feeling to each other. But they have to keep it as a secret and no one knows it. But in the hospital, Rachel introduces a man to Monica, that makes Chandler so jellies, he told Monica that it is ok as they were just go for around. Monica is mad of what he says at first, but they talk things out at last, it is just a misunderstand.

It is the hardest thing to give up babies, also for Phoebe. She is not the babies mother, but she does take these three babies in her body for ten moths. How could she give up them. She wants to take them home and see them everyday, but we all know that is impossible. The good way is Phoebe is their aunt, she will be the best aunt.


