IELTS Writing Task 2 011– pros a

A few years ago, it is reported that a male Japanese overseas student was shot dead because he spoke a wrong word to an American landlord. This tragedy caused by difference in native languages has shocked the world and give rise to (刚才在有道查了前面的那个新词来替代了旧词get) people to think the serious consequences of living in a foreign country where you have to speak a foreign language. (这个首段我用了一个新闻案例引出了话题。这种开场比较有个性和新颖,相信可以吸引到考官的很多眼球。)
2、主体#1 段
On the one hand, it is quite true that living in a foreign country can lead to a series of problems both socially and practically. For instance, the year before last, a UK official severely offended his Taiwan of China’s counterpart by sending a wrong gift. The gift he presented to his Taiwan host is an expensive Swiss watch which is a perfect gift in the western English countries. But in Taiwan where traditional Chinese culture prevails, watch is considered as auspicious (在这里我用稍微生僻一点的大词auspicious来替换了比较口语化的原词unlucky 使文章更加有学术性。)and could bring the receiver bad fortune. It is regretful that the inconsiderate gesture of the UK public servant causes harms to the interrelationship between the two parties. On the other hand, practically living in a foreign country where differs in language and culture can also bring about troubles. For example, one of my colleagues who went to UK as a visiting scholar last year was nearly beaten seriously by her housemates who believed in the religion of the Muslims/Islam (这里用前面任意一个词都可以。)and considered eating pork as unholy and hurting their religious doctrine when she cooked bacon in their public kitchen unthoughtfully and found it extremely hard to explain herself in a foreign language that her housemates could not quite understood.
On the other hand, it is quite a pleasant experience for many people with cross-culture awareness and high-tech using feat. When they travel abroad to a place with different language and culture from one’s own they can solve most of the problems they encounter by proper negotiation with their foreign friends and various other resources available to them. Take myself as a example. In the past decades or so, I visited quite a number of overseas countries like France, UK, Italy, Australia etc. on holiday or business with either my family, friends or on my own, except a few trivial annoyances of pronouncing the right word before the native speaker of the foreign land, generally speaking, my communication, life or work go about quite happily and smoothly with modern technology of translation and interpretation and internet access. The same is true with many of my relatives, friends or co-workers when they travel overseas to broaden their horizon or sample an exotic culture. (这段我写了出国旅游的不受语言局限的愉快体验。这是对题目论点的反驳。)
In conclusion, going abroad for family reunion, business or holiday can be either a positive or negative experience depending on to what extent the disparity in language or culture may influence the quality of mutual communication and one’s sensitivity to the differences in this regard and their degree of respect and understanding of the other as well as their ability to make use of modern translating tool like Google Transtion software and GPS navigation app. (尾段我对全文正反观点做了高度概括并在最后提出了自己的看法,结束整篇文稿。)