Level 5 - Unit 1 - Part 4 Vocabu

2021-01-20  本文已影响0人  让文字更美

There are many different cycles in nature, such as the cycle of seasons. A cycle is a series of events that repeat, such as the daily cycle of light and dark.

To evolve means to change or improve over a period of time. In biology, the theory of evolution says that advanced life forms such as humans have evolved from lower forms of life.
进化(to evolve)是指在一段时间内改变或改进。在生物学中,进化论认为高级生命形式,如人类,是从低级生命形式进化而来的。

A force of attraction brings two objects closer together, such as the force of gravity. A force of repulsion pushes two objects away from each other, such as the force between two electrons.

To transform means to change from one form into another. A transformation occurs when an object takes on a new appearance or structure.
转换(to transform)指从一种形式变成另一种形式。当对象呈现新的外观或结构时,就会发生转换。

To inherit something means to get it without having to ask or work for it. A child from a very rich family may inherit a lot of money.
继承某物(to inherit something)指不需要请求或努力就能得到。家境富裕的孩子可能会继承一大笔钱。


