

2016-11-29  本文已影响70人  甚了


每个异步通道都属于一个通道组,它们共享一个 Java 线程池,该线程池用于完成启动的异步 I/O 操作。这看上去有点像欺骗,因为可在自己的 Java 线程中执行大多数异步功能,来获得相同的表现,并且,可能希望能够仅仅利用操作系统的异步 I/O 能力,来执行 NIO.2 ,从而获得更优的性能。然而,在有些情况下,有必要使用 Java 线程:比如,保证 completion-handler 方法在来自线程池的线程上执行。

默认情况下,具有 open() 方法的通道属于一个全局通道组,可利用如下系统变量对其进行配置:

java.nio.channels.AsynchronousChannelGroup 中的三个实用方法提供了创建新通道组的方法:

这些方法或者对线程池进行定义,如 java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService,或者是 java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory。例如,以下调用创建了具有线程池的新的通道组,该线程池包含 10 个线程,其中每个都构造为来自 Executors 类的线程工厂:

AsynchronousChannelGroup tenThreadGroup = AsynchronousChannelGroup.withFixedThreadPool(10, Executors.defaultThreadFactory());

三个异步网络通道都具有 open() 方法的替代版本,它们采用指定的通道组而不是默认通道组。例如,当有异步操作请求时,此调用告诉 channel 使用 tenThreadGroup 而不是默认通道组来获取线程:

AsynchronousServerSocketChannel channel =;


// first initiate a call that won't be satisfied
channel.accept(null, completionHandler);
// once the operation has been set off, the channel group can be used to control the shutdown
if (!tenThreadGroup.isShutdown()) {
    // once the group is shut down no more channels can be created with it
if (!tenThreadGroup.isTerminated()) {
    // forcibly shutdown, the channel will be closed and the accept will abort
// the group should be able to terminate now, wait for a maximum of 10 seconds
tenThreadGroup.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

AsynchronousFileChannel 在此处与其他通道不同,为了使用定制的线程池,open() 方法采用 ExecutorService 而不是 AsynchronousChannelGroup。

public class ChannelGroup {

    public ChannelGroup() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        // 创建通道组
        AsynchronousChannelGroup tenThreadGroup = AsynchronousChannelGroup.withFixedThreadPool(10, Executors.defaultThreadFactory());
        System.out.print("Create a channel with a channel group");
        // 打开通道时,指定通道组
        AsynchronousServerSocketChannel channel =;
        System.out.println("and start an accept that won't be satisfied");
        channel.accept(null, new CompletionHandler<AsynchronousSocketChannel, Object>(){

            public void completed(AsynchronousSocketChannel result, Object attachment) {

            public void failed(Throwable exc, Object attachment) {

        if (!tenThreadGroup.isShutdown()) {
            System.out.println("Shutdown channel group");
            // mark as shutdown, no more channels can now be created with this pool
        if (!tenThreadGroup.isTerminated()) {
            System.out.println("Terminate channel group");
            // forcibly shutdown, the channel will be closed and the read will abort
        System.out.println("Wait for termination");
        // the group should be able to terminate now, wait for a maximum of 10 seconds
        boolean terminated = tenThreadGroup.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        System.out.println("Group is terminated? " + terminated);

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
        new ChannelGroup();
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