

2019-04-28  本文已影响0人  晓楠得一录

The next financial crisis will be worse than the 2008 crash, said Dr Frank-Jürgen Richter, Horasis chairman and former director of the World Economic Forum.

People are the raw material of economic growth, after all. The more there are, the greater the likelihood that one becomes a Gutenberg or a Watt.


to cut the Gordian knot 就是意味着to solve a complicated difficulty by quick and drastic action;to end a difficulty by using a vigorous or violent method;to solve a problem by force.按其形象意义,这个成语与汉语成语“快刀斩乱麻”,“大刀阔斧,果断处置”十分相似。

Literal meaning: grind an iron rod into a needle
Explanation: perseverance spells success

Li Bai, living in Tang Dynasty, is probably one of the most prolific poets in Chinese history. A well-known story about perseverance in China comes from Li Bai's childhood experiences.

Green tea is the best option for office workers.
Green tea contains catechins that help prevent computer radiation and supplement moisture content of the human body.



For coders, lack of friction is an aesthetic joy, an emotional high, the ideal existential state.


After forty years in the business, it's time for me to take a back seat and let someone younger take over.



I've gotten carried away. 我扯太远了.

get carried away


你就可以用上这个表达法I've / You've gotten carried away.

So that explains it. 原来如此.

You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.


