精确去重和Roaring BitMap (咆哮位图)

2020-01-26  本文已影响0人  zh_harry


Roaring BitMap 以下简称 RBM,中文翻译为咆哮位图,它本质上是定义了一个很大的 bit 数组,每个元素对应到 bit 数组的其中一位,一个Integer是32-bit, 一共有Integer.MAX_VALUE = 2 ^ 32个值,32-bit的unsigned integer的集合(共2 ^ 32 = 42 9496 7296个)
这个数足够覆盖一款产品的user数或item数(item 泛指是新闻,商品等)
由定义可知,其去重是针对int 型数据进行操作,对于非Integer类型的数据(比如String类型)可以通过数据字典映射成Integer,比如数据库的ID


# Memory
used_memory_rss_human:637.09K #表示该进程所占物理内存的大小
used_memory_peak_human:637.09K #是过去Redis内存使用的峰值
localhost:0> setbit a 4294967295 1 #将最大位置1,此时基数为1
# Memory
used_memory_human:516.66M #set 一个值,直接占512m内存

附redis raoring-bitmap 实现 https://github.com/aviggiano/redis-roaring

Roaring Bitmap实现

 RoaringArray highLowContainer = null;

   * Create an empty bitmap
  public RoaringBitmap() {
    highLowContainer = new RoaringArray();


static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 4;
  short[] keys = null;//高16位数组 有序数组,方便二分查找

  Container[] values = null;//低16位容器数组

  int size = 0;

  protected RoaringArray() {

Container 实现


public final class ArrayContainer extends Container implements Cloneable {
  private static final int DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE = 4;
  private static final int ARRAY_LAZY_LOWERBOUND = 1024;
  static final int DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE = 4096;// containers with DEFAULT_MAX_SZE or less integers
                                           // should be ArrayContainers
  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
  protected int cardinality = 0;
  short[] content;
   * Create an array container with default capacity
  public ArrayContainer() {

short[] content,将16位value直接存储。
short[] content始终保持有序且不重,方便使用二分查找。

   * running time is in O(n) time if insert is not in order.
  public Container add(final short x) {
    if (cardinality == 0 || (cardinality > 0
            && toIntUnsigned(x) > toIntUnsigned(content[cardinality - 1]))) {
      if (cardinality >= DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) {
        return toBitmapContainer().add(x);
      if (cardinality >= this.content.length) {
      content[cardinality++] = x;
    } else {
      int loc = Util.unsignedBinarySearch(content, 0, cardinality, x);
      if (loc < 0) {
        // Transform the ArrayContainer to a BitmapContainer
        // when cardinality = DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE
        if (cardinality >= DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE) {
          return toBitmapContainer().add(x);
        if (cardinality >= this.content.length) {
        // insertion : shift the elements > x by one position to
        // the right
        // and put x in it's appropriate place
        System.arraycopy(content, -loc - 1, content, -loc, cardinality + loc + 1);
        content[-loc - 1] = x;
    return this;


private void increaseCapacity(boolean allowIllegalSize) {
    int newCapacity = (this.content.length == 0) ? DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE
        : this.content.length < 64 ? this.content.length * 2
            : this.content.length < 1067 ? this.content.length * 3 / 2
                : this.content.length * 5 / 4;
    // never allocate more than we will ever need
    if (newCapacity > ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE && !allowIllegalSize) {
      newCapacity = ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;
    // if we are within 1/16th of the max, go to max
    if (newCapacity > ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE - ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE / 16
        && !allowIllegalSize) {
      newCapacity = ArrayContainer.DEFAULT_MAX_SIZE;
    this.content = Arrays.copyOf(this.content, newCapacity);

数组的二分查找(找到则返回value的位置,未找到则返回当前值将要insert 的位置,为与找到值的位置区分,这里返回负值)

   * Look for value k in array in the range [begin,end). If the value is found, return its index. If
   * not, return -(i+1) where i is the index where the value would be inserted. The array is assumed
   * to contain sorted values where shorts are interpreted as unsigned integers.
   * @param array array where we search
   * @param begin first index (inclusive)
   * @param end last index (exclusive)
   * @param k value we search for
   * @return count
  public static int unsignedBinarySearch(final short[] array, final int begin, final int end,
      final short k) {
      return hybridUnsignedBinarySearch(array, begin, end, k);
    } else {
      return branchyUnsignedBinarySearch(array, begin, end, k);


bitmap vs array
  1. bitmap存储空间恒定为8K,最大的基数可达到8*1024*8=65536个
  2. array的基数与存储空间成正比,即基数越大,占用空占越多


 * Simple bitset-like container.
public final class BitmapContainer extends Container implements Cloneable {
  protected static final int MAX_CAPACITY = 1 << 16;


  // the parameter is for overloading and symmetry with ArrayContainer
  protected static int serializedSizeInBytes(int unusedCardinality) {
    return MAX_CAPACITY / 8;
  final long[] bitmap;
  int cardinality;
  // nruns value for which RunContainer.serializedSizeInBytes ==
  // BitmapContainer.getArraySizeInBytes()
  private final int MAXRUNS = (getArraySizeInBytes() - 2) / 4;

   * Create a bitmap container with all bits set to false
*构造最大的long 值数组,每个long 64位
  public BitmapContainer() {
    this.cardinality = 0;
    this.bitmap = new long[MAX_CAPACITY / 64];//1024个long

bit map container add方法源码分析

  public Container add(final short i) {
    final int x = Util.toIntUnsigned(i);
    final long previous = bitmap[x / 64];

//找到当前值所在long 的第几位,并将该位置1,1L<<x 等价于1x<<(x%64)

The operators << (left shift), >> (signed right shift), and >>> (unsigned right shift) are called the shift operators. The left-hand operand of a shift operator is the value to be shifted; the right-hand operand specifies the shift distance.
The type of the shift expression is the promoted type of the left-hand operand.

If the promoted type of the left-hand operand isint, then only the five lowest-order bits of the right-hand operand are used as the shift distance.(int 只有低5位有效)It is as if the right-hand operand were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & (§15.22.1) with the mask value 0x1f (0b11111). The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 31, inclusive.

If the promoted type of the left-hand operand islong, then only the six lowest-order bits of the right-hand operand are used as the shift distance.(long 只有低6位有效)It is as if the right-hand operand were subjected to a bitwise logical AND operator & (§15.22.1) with the mask value 0x3f (0b111111). The shift distance actually used is therefore always in the range 0 to 63, inclusive.

    long newval = previous | (1L << x);
    bitmap[x / 64] = newval;
      cardinality += (previous ^ newval) >>> x;
    } else if (previous != newval) {
    return this;
 * This container takes the form of runs of consecutive values (effectively, run-length encoding).
 * Adding and removing content from this container might make it wasteful so regular calls to
 * "runOptimize" might be warranted.
public final class RunContainer extends Container implements Cloneable {
  private static final int DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE = 4;
  private static final boolean ENABLE_GALLOPING_AND = false;
  private short[] valueslength;//主要存储结构 we interleave values and lengths, so
  // that if you have the values 11,12,13,14,15, you store that as 11,4 where 4 means that beyond 11
  // itself, there are
  // 4 contiguous values that follows.
  // Other example: e.g., 1, 10, 20,0, 31,2 would be a concise representation of 1, 2, ..., 11, 20,
  // 31, 32, 33
  int nbrruns = 0;// how many runs, this number should fit in 16 bits.



当手动执行runOptimize 方法时会触发优化

   * Use a run-length encoding where it is more space efficient
   * @return whether a change was applied
  public boolean runOptimize() {
    boolean answer = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < this.highLowContainer.size(); i++) {
      Container c = this.highLowContainer.getContainerAtIndex(i).runOptimize();
      if (c instanceof RunContainer) {
        answer = true;
      this.highLowContainer.setContainerAtIndex(i, c);
    return answer;

ArrayContainer 优化逻辑

  public Container runOptimize() {
    // TODO: consider borrowing the BitmapContainer idea of early
    // abandonment
    // with ArrayContainers, when the number of runs in the arrayContainer
    // passes some threshold based on the cardinality.
    int numRuns = numberOfRuns();
    int sizeAsRunContainer = RunContainer.serializedSizeInBytes(numRuns);
//如果RunContainer 比当前的容器省空间,则升级为 RunContainer。BitMap 同理
    if (getArraySizeInBytes() > sizeAsRunContainer) {
      return new RunContainer(this, numRuns); // this could be maybe
                                              // faster if initial
                                              // container is a bitmap
    } else {
      return this;

numberOfRuns 计算run 的个数

  int numberOfRuns() {
    if (cardinality == 0) {
      return 0; // should never happen
    int numRuns = 1;
    int oldv = toIntUnsigned(content[0]);
    for (int i = 1; i < cardinality; i++) {
      int newv = toIntUnsigned(content[i]);
      if (oldv + 1 != newv) {
      oldv = newv;
    return numRuns;

计算RunContainer 可能占用的容量

protected static int serializedSizeInBytes(int numberOfRuns) {
    return 2 + 2 * 2 * numberOfRuns; // each run requires 2 2-byte entries.



《Better bitmap performance with Roaring bitmaps》
《Consistently faster and smaller compressed bitmaps with Roaring》
The Java® Language Specification


